Dave Simpson
Dave Simpson started his newspaper career in 1973 as a reporter for the Laramie Daily Boomerang. He moved on to editing posts at the Rawlins Daily Times and the Casper Star-Tribune. He then published newspapers in Colorado and Illinois for Howard Publications owners at the time of the Star-Tribune for 17 years.
Dave has written a weekly column about a wide variety of topics for 39 years, winning top columnist awards in Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois and Nebraska.
He and his wife Caryl are retired and live on an old wheat field east of Cheyenne. Their dog Mitch the latest in a long line of black Labrador Retrievers was rescued from the pound in Torrington.
Dave built his log cabin in the Snowy Range of Carbon County in the 1980s, where he spends as much time as possible every summer.
Latest from Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson: Blame It All On The Freedom Caucus?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Keep in mind that the awful stuff you hear about the Freedom Caucus might be what Sen. Larry Hicks calls fertilizer.”
Dave SimpsonMarch 03, 2025

Dave Simpson: My Wife Is Working Me Like A Pack Mule
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Back then, the burden fell on my wife, who had to pick up 'all the things I do around here.' That was then. This is now.”
Dave SimpsonFebruary 24, 2025

Dave Simpson: Don't Fall For The Same Old 'Sky Is Falling' Routine
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "What are the chances our sheriff will have to lay off 25 employees if Senate File 69 passes? Laramie County has $92 million in reserves. If our county is dumb enough to gut law enforcement when it has $92 million in reserves, voters will oust every incumbent..."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 17, 2025

Dave Simpson: You Wanted Change? We Got It!
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Call it a sea change, a new sheriff in town, or 'a come to Jesus moment,' but Donald Trump is making good on promises, and bringing common sense back into fashion.”
Dave SimpsonFebruary 10, 2025

Dave Simpson: Obscenity Bill Could Die In Committee
Columnist Dave Simpson writes: “Time's running out on a bill that would remove an exemption for librarians from a law that prohibits exposing minors to pornography. One would think that our new common-sense House leadership would at least agree to let this bill out of committee, and proceed to the House floor for debate by the whole body. It deserves as much."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 06, 2025

Dave Simpson: Imagine If The Wyoming Legislature Was Run Like Congress
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "With 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, they'll be lucky to get anything passed by Memorial Day. That's because they work in Washington for three days, with Mondays and Fridays reserved for travel."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 03, 2025

Dave Simpson: Does A Wet Blanket Await In The Wyoming Senate?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "It's my hope that the wise and august state senators heed the tone of the electorate expressed last August, and proceed right away to the Five and Dime bills, so there's plenty of time to override pesky gubernatorial vetoes if need be, unlike last year."
Dave SimpsonJanuary 27, 2025

Dave Simpson: Trump’s Victory Belongs To The Scorned Underdogs
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “For folks who consider themselves so much smarter than the rest of us, our liberal friends have failed. Spectacularly.”
Dave SimpsonJanuary 20, 2025

Dave Simpson: Wyoming Paid Us To Cut Dead Trees
Columnist Dave Simpson writes: “In the Snowy Range, we made our places less prone to fire. Too bad California didn't encourage landowners to do the same. What a price they're paying now.”
Dave SimpsonJanuary 13, 2025

Dave Simpson: A Deep-State Ovation For Liz
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "If you ever doubted the existence of the Deep State, you should have been watching Thursday as Liz Cheney – polling-booth poison here in Wyoming – received the Presidential Citizenship Medal in Washington."
Dave SimpsonJanuary 06, 2025

Dave Simpson: Who Thought THAT Was A Good Idea?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Your typical American mom/dad/voter is NOT OK with their daughter suiting up next to a naked guy parading around like he's got a blue-ribbon entry in the county fair.”
Dave SimpsonDecember 30, 2024

Dave Simpson: Still Trying To Bake Like My Mom
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “My mother once baked a pie for Amelia Earhart. Didn't make a big deal about it, though. In fact, her own kids didn't know about it until after she died, at age 99.”
Dave SimpsonDecember 24, 2024

Dave Simpson: They're Not Worried About The Debt
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Some of the smartest guys I know aren't very concerned that our national debt topped $36 trillion last week. One told me, "'Why worry about it? We'll be dead before the (bio material) hits the fan.'"
Dave SimpsonDecember 16, 2024

Dave Simpson: She'll Never Re-Gift This Present
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "My late father in-law, a great guy, once gave his wife a butcher knife and a meat grinder for Christmas. There was speculation in the family about what she might cut off and grind up."
Dave SimpsonDecember 09, 2024

Dave Simpson: Government Waste And Inefficiency? Where?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “In the past, lawmakers have been a lot more interested in getting re-elected than in cutting waste and inefficiency. Maybe it will be different this time."
Dave SimpsonDecember 02, 2024

Dave Simpson: The Ugly Cookies Taste Just As Good
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Whenever Gramps visits, cookies are to be baked, first with the assistance of one grand daughter, then two years later, with two. (Red hair, blue eyes, both cute as buttons.)”
Dave SimpsonNovember 25, 2024

Dave Simpson: What Was Your Favorite Whopper?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Oprah Winfrey told us if we didn't vote for Kamala Harris, it could be the last time we ever get to vote in an election. Hoo-boy, what a knee-slapper that was.”
Dave SimpsonNovember 21, 2024

Dave Simpson: No Thanks Liz, We'll Go It Alone
Columnist Dave Simpson writes: “Liz Cheney's help apparently didn't help Kamala Harris. It was more like throwing an anvil to a drowning man.”
Dave SimpsonNovember 18, 2024

Dave Simpson: Was That A Nightmare, Or What?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes: “The liberal Lilliputians will continue their efforts to bring down Trump any way they can. But, from where I sit, Trump 2.0 looks pretty ding-dong good.”
Dave SimpsonNovember 11, 2024

Dave Simpson: Old Dave's On Injured Reserve
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Until further notice, I'm like a beached whale, washed up on our living room floor, with a bulky cast on my leg that's like having a 10-pound Walleye strapped to my calf, only stiffer.”
Dave SimpsonNovember 04, 2024

Dave Simpson: Where's The Pony In The Pile?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "What could a President Harris do to top the cabinet appointments of Joe Biden? I'm thinking that bald guy with the red lipstick who steals suitcases from airport luggage carousels would be a shoo-in for Secretary of Transportation."
Dave SimpsonOctober 28, 2024

Dave Simpson: Smile When You Call Us 'Far Right'
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Call us what you want – far right, farther right, right wing, whatever. It looks like good old conservative common sense to me.”
Dave SimpsonOctober 21, 2024

Dave Simpson: These Memories Last Forever
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "“Travel as many miles as you have to, pay whatever you have to for a ticket, and stand in line for as long as it takes to see the musicians you love, in their prime, live and in person.”
Dave SimpsonOctober 14, 2024

Dave Simpson: Too Little, Too Late on Amendment A
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Given the sea change we saw in the legislative races in the August primary, let's see if a more conservative legislature can come up with something better than this flawed, last-minute constitutional amendment."
Dave SimpsonOctober 07, 2024

Dave Simpson: How Can The Election Be So Close?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Do we live in a country where endorsements by Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey and Meryl Streep overpower the fact that 10 million illegal immigrants – some say as many as 20 million – have entered our country illegally, and have been set free?"
Dave SimpsonSeptember 30, 2024

Dave Simpson: The One Thing We Aren't – Surprised
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “Let's just hope the Secret Service gets its unexpectedly incompetent act together before some nut kills the former president.”
Dave SimpsonSeptember 23, 2024

Dave Simpson: Forget The Election. Let's Go To Dodge.
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, “If you don't love “Gunsmoke” and Marshal Matt Dillon, played by the late James Arness, well, there must be something wrong with you, mister. Get some help.”
Dave SimpsonSeptember 16, 2024

Dave Simpson: Cheneys Opt For 'Radical Liberal'
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "I figured there was nothing Liz Cheney could do to make me regret my three votes for her more than I already did. But, I was wrong. Good luck with those Democrats, Liz. They hated your dad, calling him Darth Vader.''
Dave SimpsonSeptember 09, 2024

Dave Simpson: The Freedom Caucus Suits Him Fine
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "'The old cigar club is closed.' So said my crustiest Republican friend from Casper this week, about the results of the Aug. 20th primary election in Wyoming."
Dave SimpsonSeptember 03, 2024

Dave Simpson: Nobody Told Us We're Too Old
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Can two guys with a combined age of 146 years build a house high in the mountains of Wyoming? All by themselves? Without heavy equipment? Jury's still out on that."
Dave SimpsonAugust 26, 2024

Dave Simpson: Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "I can't figure out how anyone could vote for these Republican Lite, Rockefeller Republican, milquetoast, go-along-to get-along Republicans. These it-can't-happen-here, ersatz Republicans who vote with Democrats, and some even used to BE Democrats."
Dave SimpsonAugust 19, 2024

Dave Simpson: They 'Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks'
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Plenty of opinions are flying around, as tends to happen in elections. But it strikes me as desperation to pin all this anger on the Freedom Caucus."
Dave SimpsonAugust 12, 2024

Dave Simpson: Our Guys Aren't On Gordon's List
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "I agree with folks who suggest using Gov. Gordon's endorsement list as a guide on who NOT to vote for.”
Dave SimpsonAugust 05, 2024

Dave Simpson: You Call This The Thrill Of Victory?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes: "A guy beating on a woman for 46 seconds before she gives up in tears sounds pretty damn Draconian to me. Good thing our lawmakers passed a bill, despite the governor's misgivings, to keep this insanity from happening here."
Dave SimpsonAugust 02, 2024

Dave Simpson: Harriet Delivered When No One Else Could (Or Cared)
Cowboy State Daily columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Harriet cut through the red tape and somehow got the Forest Service to do what it should have been doing for years.”
Dave SimpsonJuly 29, 2024

Dave Simpson: You Only Get Fired On 'The Apprentice'
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "“What does it take to get someone fired in this shockingly incompetent government? A dead former president? A dead candidate for president?"
Dave SimpsonJuly 22, 2024

Dave Simpson: Stay Tuned, Goldwater Republicans
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "With only seven actual Democrats in the legislature currently, we have a wave of Born Again Republicans, who claim to have seen the light, experiencing a miraculous political party epiphany. Well, I'm not buying it."
Dave SimpsonJuly 16, 2024

Dave Simpson: Unfriend My Wife? Probably Not
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "My finger may have mistakenly hit an option to declare myself offended, and perhaps put the social media lid on – who'd a thunk it – my wife.”
Dave SimpsonJuly 08, 2024

Dave Simpson: Bug Spray, Dish Soap And A Wine Chaser
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "A mischievous bear is tearing things up in my neck of the Snowy Range this summer, and folks up there are on edge about it."
Dave SimpsonJuly 01, 2024

Dave Simpson: He Led The Band That Saved The Bridge
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Pat Mehle's expertise as an engineer, his machine shop magic, and his ability to organize his neighbors saved our bridge.”
Dave SimpsonJune 24, 2024

Dave Simpson: Kinder, Gentler Fan Wants Me Dead
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "One reader from the tolerant left writes, 'Thank goodness people like you will die out soon, and a kinder, gentler people will be able to write pieces... Good riddance.'"
Dave SimpsonJune 17, 2024

Dave Simpson: What's A Republican Voter To Do?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Mike Yin of Jackson was 'extremely confused' by my column last week. And I understand perfectly. I'd be confused too if I was a Democrat elected by Jackson Democrats."
Dave SimpsonJune 10, 2024

Dave Simpson: Rare Democrats Spotted In Casper
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "What do Wyoming Democrats and Weak Sauce Republicans have in common? They both can't stand the Wyoming Freedom Caucus."
Dave SimpsonJune 03, 2024

Dave Simpson: The Trump Trial -- What A Disaster
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "“Remember when convictions of black defendants in the south were reported with the words 'by an all-white jury?' If Trump is convicted, the media probably won't write 'convicted by an all-Democrat jury.'”
Dave SimpsonMay 27, 2024

Dave Simpson: Don't Be A Weak-Sauce Republican
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "A transplant from Oregon expected to find Republican Red-State nirvana when he moved to Wyoming. That's not what he found."
Dave SimpsonMay 20, 2024

Dave Simpson: I'm Not Buying Any Of This Crap
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "We're expected to believe that folks who don't want boys playing girl's sports, don't want porn in children's libraries, and don't want children switching genders, are all 'far right,' and don't want 'Wyoming solutions to Wyoming problems.' Not so."
Dave SimpsonMay 13, 2024

Dave Simpson: These Immigrants Loved This Land
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Here are two families with remarkable stories of hard work, love of country, and determination to succeed. Stories like this are everywhere in a country that from its inception has been the beacon of opportunity."
Dave SimpsonMay 06, 2024

Dave Simpson: They 'Don't Want No Zionists Here'
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Next time you see young, spoiled, antisemitic demonstrators on campuses battling police officers, think about President Biden's campaign to forgive college loans (many held by people earning big salaries today) by whatever means necessary."
Dave SimpsonApril 29, 2024

Dave Simpson: Going Cold Turkey On TV News
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Pole dancers, ant poison, life insurance. Avoid those three things and your spouse is less likely to kill you. This is according to research I've been doing watching true crime reality TV shows..."
Dave SimpsonApril 22, 2024

Dave Simpson: Let Me Get This Straight. The Problem Is US?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Appearing on Bill Maher last week, Katie Couric said folks like us are driven by 'anti-intellectualism,' and we're jealous of elites like her. This, she theorized, is why so many of us voted for Donald Trump. And not just once, but twice."
Dave SimpsonApril 20, 2024

Dave Simpson: Exposed When The Tide Went Out
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "If your lawmakers voted to kill gun-free zones, then voted against a veto session, bring it up next time they come asking for your vote."
Dave SimpsonApril 15, 2024

Dave Simpson: Who Are These Strange People, Anyway?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "People as nearby as Nebraska are already mowing their lawns. But we've still got the snowblower gassed up and ready to go, waiting for a Mother's Day blizzard. And the wind is howling like a banshee."
Dave SimpsonApril 08, 2024

Dave Simpson: Oh No! Another Adult In The Room!
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "If the governor is the adult in the room, what does that make the rest of us? (Asking for a friend.)"
Dave SimpsonApril 01, 2024

Dave Simpson: Have The Republicans 'Gone Off The Rails'?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Nah. The labels have changed, but the debate in the Wyoming Legislature isn't that much different from what we saw decades ago."
Dave SimpsonMarch 25, 2024

Dave Simpson: Gov. Gordon Protects Us From Ourselves
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Don't you get the feeling that the governor is rapping our knuckles for things most of us support wholeheartedly? That the guy who spoke at Harvard apparently thinks he deserves a more appreciative constituency?"
Dave SimpsonMarch 23, 2024

Dave Simpson: Smile When You Call Me A Non-Native
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "We might be just as well off with lawmakers who live here because they made the wise decision to come here, not just because this is where their mothers delivered them."
Dave SimpsonMarch 18, 2024

Dave Simpson: I've Lost That Unified Feeling. Gone, Gone, Gone.
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "A testy President Joe Biden poured salt in wounds during his State of the Union address. He once promised to unite our country, but now hates half of us worse than he hates Putin."
Dave SimpsonMarch 11, 2024

Dave Simpson: Is The Wyoming Senate Acting With ‘Absolute Idiocy?’
Dave Simpson writes, “I have long suspected that here in Wyoming, the legislative powers that be allow one house to be the good guys, passing popular bills, confident that the second house would ultimately kill them, usually in committee."
Dave SimpsonMarch 06, 2024

Dave Simpson: Sticking With Donald Trump Despite The Bloviating Jackass Moments
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Defending Trump can be tough at times, but it beats the daylights out of another four years of clueless Joe Biden."
Dave SimpsonMarch 04, 2024

Dave Simpson: Grab The Special Times Before They're Gone
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "These are precious moments. Whenever my grandkids have a Hershey's Kisses peanut butter cookie, I'm betting they'll remember Gramps, and the good times we had. Grab those special times."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 26, 2024

Dave Simpson: Once Again, Rush Limbaugh Was Right
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "Rush Limbaugh said the powers that be in Washington would do everything in their power to destroy Donald Trump, to destroy his businesses, to destroy his family, and to send the message that scruffy, no-account voters like us must never elect a person like this again. Rush was right."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 19, 2024

Dave Simpson: My Facebook Critics Got It Wrong
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "A critical Facebooker asked how it was possible for me to be wrong about virtually everything. Every. Single. Thing. Another called my columns observations 'from the shallow end of the pool.' (I'll admit I laughed at that one)."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 12, 2024

Dave Simpson: Beating Up Cops? Hey, No Problem!
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "The video last week of 13 thugs – apparently recently-arrived “guests“ in our country – beating and kicking the daylights out of two New York City police officers, shows just how far down the road to perdition we have come."
Dave SimpsonFebruary 05, 2024

Dave Simpson: So WE'RE Extreme? Are You Kidding Me?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "We hear plenty about 'far-right extremists,' but never far-left extremists. I say throwing open our southern border is the very definition of extreme."
Dave SimpsonJanuary 22, 2024

Dave Simpson: Got Enough Fries In That Happy Meal?
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "The opinion that dangerous insurrectionists like us want to 'unravel democracy' was voiced by former Rep. Liz Cheney on CBS Sunday Morning. Talk like that got her defeated in the 2022 primary election by 37 points."
Dave SimpsonJanuary 15, 2024

Dave Simpson: Me? Hard Of Hearing? Impossible!
Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "The sure way to tell when it's time to go get your hearing checked is when your spouse yells at you to go get your hearing checked. That's when."
Dave SimpsonJanuary 08, 2024