Cassie Craven: The Wild Bunch Is Wyoming
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Gordon’s letter quoted an unnamed neighbor: ‘This wild bunch doesn’t understand Wyoming.’ With all due respect, Governor, the wild bunch was elected in a near landslide, despite your big-time money and endorsements trying to stack the deck. Maybe you and your friends don’t understand Wyoming.”
Cassie CravenMarch 02, 2025

Rod Miller: The 800-Pound Gorilla In The Wyoming Classroom
Columnist Rod Miller writes: "Absent the immediate writing and passage of an amendment to the Wyoming Constitution that says lawmakers can do what they damn well please with school funding, our citizen legislature has its work cut out for it. And it all circles back to our Constitution."
Rod MillerMarch 02, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Wyoming's Constitution Demands Fairer Teacher Pay
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "The Legislature has played games with teacher pay. Sometimes lawmakers dole out an increase just for one budget year, so the pay would slump right back down after that year - falling even further behind inflation."
Tom LubnauMarch 02, 2025

Joan Barron: Legislature Pedaling Back 50 Years
Columnist Joan Barron writes, "The recent movement to ignore the supplemental budget is clearly Freedom Caucus-inspired and is meant, at least partially, to target and embarrass Gov. Mark Gordon."
Joan BarronMarch 01, 2025

Bill Sniffin: Two Funerals, Two Monte’s, And An Inspirational Dream
Columnist Bill Sniffin writes: “This column is a somewhat different from my normal writings. It just seemed important to share these stories with you today.”
Bill SniffinMarch 01, 2025

Jonathan Lange: Constitutional Duty Requires Officials Who Oppose Evil From Other Government Officials.
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: “Wise officials in county governments have changed the unjust policies of an entire state just by saying ‘no.’ We saw that happen in Wyoming when some sheriffs refused to enforce COVID decrees.”
Jonathan LangeMarch 01, 2025

Dennis Sun: Too Many Ag Cuts May Hurt Food Security
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Agriculture welcomes a more efficient government, but we are also worried tariffs and layoffs may cause extreme pain. I just hope Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins realize their actions affect food security."
Dennis SunFebruary 28, 2025

Cassie Craven: Federal Politics Through the Lens of a Barmaid
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, "I worked at the local bar growing up. Other than a couple of churches and a post office, it was the only place for human contact. I’ve seen people live and die based on what the government wants to give them."
Cassie CravenFebruary 28, 2025

Rod Miller: Whiskeys I Have Known... Another Cautionary Tale
Columnist Rod Miller writes, "Please don’t misunderstand, this column does not advocate alcohol abuse. I believe it is up to the individual to come to their own terms with mind-altering substances, and to determine for themselves what 'abuse' means."
Rod MillerFebruary 28, 2025

Sally Ann Shurmur: Casper Hosting The Best And Then Some Over Three Weekends
Columnist Sally Ann Shurmur writes, "These three consecutive weekends were always my favorite time in my decades as a sportswriter, even though they have nothing to do with football."
Sally Ann ShurmurFebruary 28, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Hidden Dark Money Political Operatives Are Trying To Control Wyoming
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "We are seeing slimy mailers from out of state, the same cheesy animation on social media and the editorials demanding the Senate bow to the will of the almighty Freedom Caucus in the House."
Tom LubnauFebruary 26, 2025

Rod Miller: Breakfast With The Old Guard At The Ferris Hotel
Columnist Rod Miller writes, "The Ferris Hotel was once the elegant heart of social life in my hometown. Built by an early Carbon County copper baron and filled with Molesworth furniture, the Ferris featured a cafe that opened long before the sun rose."
Rod MillerFebruary 25, 2025