If you’re already the best, why not kick it up a notch?
Why not indeed.
These three consecutive weekends were always my favorite time in my decades as a sportswriter, even though they have nothing to do with football.
This year there is a new player in town. As if thousands of wrestlers, coaches, parents, grandparents and siblings weren’t enough, the Wyo Sports Ranch is hosting two days of clinics with University of Wyoming coaches and athletes, and a Division 1 volleyball exhibition match.
Those unfamiliar with the spanking new Ranch won’t have any trouble finding it, as it’s the multi-million dollar home in the Ford Wyoming Center’s neighborhood.
And there is also state championship high school hockey in Casper this weekend.
But back to the trifecta of weekends.
When I was a sportswriter, I took a spot at the-then Casper Events Center and there I stayed. Wrestling has official breaks built into the schedule, but those were when I interviewed and wrote.
When the two state basketball weekends rolled around, I was in one of those maroon padded folding chairs from 9 a.m. until close to midnight, three days in a row, two weeks in a row.
I just didn’t think you could cover something without being there. That’s a decidedly old-school notion, but it’s the way I rolled.
I have already written my note to this year’s volunteers, reminding them to offer a meatless main dish in the hospitality room on the two basketball Fridays because it will be Lent.
Back in the day, they weren’t great at remembering that, and I remember one meal of plain gluey spaghetti and undercooked mixed vegetables.
It’s no easy thing to organize these tournaments, and nearly all of the help is volunteer.
There is so much going on and Casper is so lucky to have these tournaments.
Sure, there is more traffic and it might take longer to get into your favorite restaurant.
But think of the excitement if you were from a town of 200 and you bring wrestlers to the big city.
Or one or both of your basketball teams qualifies for the state tournament. It is a very big deal.
So here is a very brief overview of what’s going on.
And if you say there is nothing to do this weekend, shame on you.
The all-class boys AND girls wrestling state championships began Thursday at the Ford Wyoming Center.
Sessions start at 10:25 a.m. and 5:40 p.m. on Friday.
Saturday sessions begin at 10:25 a.m., with consolation semifinals, followed by third and fifth place matches.
Championship matches on four mats begin at 2:30 p.m., on Saturday.
Also Friday, Saturday and Sunday is the Varsity State Championships for high school hockey at the Casper Ice Arena.
The second-seeded Casper Oilers play at 4 p.m., on Friday and 5 p.m., on Saturday, with the championship round on Sunday.
At the Wyo Sports Ranch, the University of Wyoming will present clinics for youth on Saturday and Sunday.
Football and volleyball clinics are on Saturday. Coach Jay Sawvel and Cowboys players will conduct the clinic for youngsters, but because NCAA rules prohibit him from teaching high school age players, Sawvel will sit out the high school clinic.
Coach Kaylee Prigge and her players will conduct the volleyball clinic and then host Laramie County Community College in an exhibition match at the Ranch at 4:30 on Saturday.
Also on Saturday, several Cowboys football players will do a “meat and greet” with fans from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurant in downtown Casper, located in the old Village Inn Restaurant immediately behind the Natrona County Library.
Dickey’s is the official barbecue supplier for UW Athletics.
Players expected at Dickey’s include Kaden Anderson, Dante Drake, John Michael Gyllenborg, Keany Parks, Jack Walsh and Harrison Waylee.
Sunday sports clinics at the Ranch include basketball, coached by Hall of Famer Joe Legerski, and soccer, coached by UW Coach Josh Purdum.
This is a great time of the year to support kids who are off the couch and competing at something they love. You don’t need to know a single player or coach to become fully invested in a very short time, regardless of the sport.
Enjoy it. These three weekends will go by in a blink.
Sally Ann Shurmur can be reached at: SallyAnnShurmur@gmail.com