The Freedom Caucus, along with other conservative legislators, have quickly passed key bills out of the state House of Representatives. Next stop, the Senate, which I predict will have establishment stonewallers ready to delay and divert.Â
It did not take long for newly-elected state representatives to keep their campaign promises and sniff out the grifters along the way.Â
The conservative-led Appropriations Committee cut funding for corporate welfare handouts to instead focus on Wyoming’s roads, infrastructure and giving teachers a raise.
Government is now out of the game of picking winners and losers, and instead is getting back to the job that government is actually supposed to do. Business will find its place in the free market, without being subsidized by our tax dollars.Â
The rich get rich while the poor get poorer, no more.Â
The committee also cut a $431,403 bureaucrat board position added this summer without legislative approval. These are the things that the establishment does when you are not watching its every move.Â
I predict that senior members of the Senate will stall some legislation out. I predict that they will slow walk a process with unnecessary amendments and debate in an effort to make it look like they aren’t “killing” the bills, when in reality that is exactly what they are doing.
Saving face and knowing they will be primaried, they’ll need a logistical, procedural reason to defend their stall tactics. Don’t give establishment members the benefit of the doubt. They haven’t earned it.Â
This week in the House, the moderate Republicans and their Democrat friends attempted to gut key bills with amendments that would make the bills useless, only to vote in line with conservatives at the time of the roll-call vote.
They think you are stupid. They think you’ll never know their true thoughts when they door knock next election cycle because when it was time to take their name down, they were correct “on the record.” Don’t worry – I’ll keep an eye on the snakes and fill you in weekly.Â
 The House is also full of seasoned legislators, not all are freshmen. Many amendments were offered on the floor and in committees, and they failed. The sneaky way politicians work is to include amendments that defeat the entire purpose of the bill. This happened time and time again, and those efforts were defeated for obvious reasons.Â
As of Friday, the Senate passed 37 bills, and the House passed 19. Historically speaking, that number coming out of the House is slightly lower than normal. Thus, the theory that the House pushed through bills without time for consideration or amendments is fake news.
People voted for candidates who would provide meaningful change to their lives. What opponents say are “funding cuts for public services” are actually much needed government downsizing so people can have property tax relief.
The “subversion of local control for state-mandated social conservative causes” is actually commonsense at a time when local leaders are left to be dictated to by the federal government because our state didn’t stand up and do its job. And “restrictions on voting” are fair elections that people can actually trust.Â
Their forked tongues want to confuse you and manipulate you into thinking that common sense is the enemy and if only you were as smart as they were, you’d understand. Remember – you vote. You hold the power, not them.Â
To say that the Freedom Caucus is grandstanding for publicity or campaign issues years from now is a wild notion. They just kicked establishment incumbents the way out the door. They don’t need campaign issues. They need results and promises delivered – and so far so good.Â
“Oh no! Here comes an income tax and unfunded pensions!” the critics lament.
Those who pay attention understand this is the battle cry every time they want more of your tax dollars to bloat the bureaucracy. Our pension plan has been underfunded since its inception and our government size per capita is more than most other states. Where I’m from we call that piss-poor planning.Â
The critics will say – “oh look at the problems the Legislature caused with its funding cuts.”
In reality, that’s like yelling at your mom for cleaning up the throw up that you projectile vomited onto the floor after you ate a whole gallon of ice cream. It’s not her fault when it takes a while to clean up your mess. You should’ve paid attention to what you ate, you glutton.Â
Cassie Craven can be reached at: