The neighborly thing to do would be to help our Democrat friends find their way out of the dark, forbidding woods in which they find themselves today.
After all, if they were stuck by the side of the road, we would help them fix a flat tire, or give them a ride into town. If they fell on the sidewalk, even the most devout Republican would probably help them up.
If their zipper was down, we'd tell them.
Likewise, as they walk through the political Valley of Death, we should offer them a hand up. (But not a handout, which is so often their solution to problems.)
Key to helping the poor dears is that they ask one key question:
âWhat numb-skull thought THAT was a good idea?â
Find that person, in any number of instances, and our Democrat friends can be on the road to recovery. Probably not here in Wyoming (which is why we live here), but somewhere. Maybe.
For instance, they should seek out the numb-skull in their party who first thought the American people would be OK with being in a public bathroom with a person of the opposite gender. What a dumb idea. Find the guy who decided to plant the Democratic flag on THAT hill, throw him or her (no other pronouns here) out of the party, and disavow that person.
That would be a start.
Here's a clue: The vast majority of Americans are NOT OK with sharing bathrooms with the opposite sex, even, I suspect, in dens of iniquity like San Francisco.
Who thought THAT was a good idea?
Likewise, our Democrat friends should put out an All-Points Bulletin for the numb-skull who decided that boys could compete against girls in sports, and even share locker rooms. Your typical American mom/dad/voter is NOT OK with their daughter suiting up next to a naked guy parading around like he's got a blue-ribbon entry in the county fair.
Case closed.
Find the idiot who came up with THAT idea, fire that person, and maybe some normal person will vote for your party again.
Destroying girls' sports is not the way to win your way back into the hearts of normal Americans, and your party should be ashamed of itself for having anything to do with such foolishness.
I can go on.
Somewhere out there, there's the numb-skull who decided the key to more Democrat voters was to simply open our borders, allow mass illegal immigration, and all those people here illegally would become loyal Democrats. Who thought THAT was a good idea, as big cities all over America â most run by Democrats - deal with the crime and skyrocketing costs of 10 million people, maybe as many as 20 million, arriving in their communities, often in the middle of the night, courtesy of the federal government?
It doesn't take a Ben Carson brain surgeon to predict the problems these nutty ideas are causing, as we've seen in our cities, and in the murders of innocent young girls by predators recklessly allowed into our country.
A blind eye to shoplifting? Nope.
Drag shows in the Navy? Nope.
Sanctuary cities? You mean sanctuary from laws passed by our own government? You gotta be kidding.
And, if I were a Democrat (don't worry, not gonna happen), I'd be looking for the numb-skull who came up with the idea of de-funding the police, ignoring the fact that people in the poorest, most crime-ridden neighborhoods need police protection most of all. Didn't the Democrats tell us for years that they cared most for poor Americans?
Again, the key question: Who thought THAT was a good idea?
The great minds of the Democratic Party are wracking their brains today, wondering how to win back votes in those âkey battleground states.â (Our guy won 'em all.) But they're overthinking this.
Identify the wild-eyed nuts who have led your party astray. Disavow them. (Maybe put them in barrels and set them adrift.) Then plead forgiveness from common-sense American voters.
One last thing. Could you Democrats please stop with the smug, arrogant assumption that you're far more intelligent than Republicans?
Who thought THAT was a good idea, when the results show precisely the opposite?
Dave Simpson can be reached at: