Cassie Craven. Aliens Are Real. And So Are Moderates In The Senate

Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “In addition to aliens being real, I also know that there are moderates in the Senate in leadership positions. While these facts seem stranger than fiction, here they are nonetheless."

Cassie Craven

December 15, 20244 min read

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Drone sightings in Wyoming are eerily similar to those seen in New Jersey and elsewhere.

Have aliens landed in Wyoming’s backyard, or is something even more sinister at play? The red, green and clear lights glow through the Wyoming sky, while landing in the mayors’ own backyards in New Jersey.

Experts have opined that this is likely not military in nature because it is so open and indiscreet. But recent reporting said the drones over New Jersey have been spotted since Nov. 18, and range from four to 180 per night. 

One-hundred-eighty seems like an awful lot. Surely, this is not a recreational endeavor by a citizen. This looks military in nature, and at scale. It smells of intelligence gathering and a show of force, from someone or something.

I recently watched a news report demonstrating Chinese drone exercises. Thousands of drones in the air, moving in synchronized unison in an array of complex patterns. The monotone buzz rang through the air. The Chinese call this tactic “swarm drones” and they have been known to utilize this in military exercises in Taiwan.

Can we deploy a defense to these drones if they were to attack in mass? What are their capabilities? They sound like a jet and are gone in an instant. No public official has commented about what they are, and none seem to be able to figure it out.

Fear of the unknown.

One thing I know for sure is that aliens are real.

Lue Elizondo recently testified to Congress as a “pentagon insider” who confirmed some facts that are stranger than fiction.

First, the government has conducted secret UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena formerly known as “UFO”) crash retrieval programs. These programs were designed to identify and reverse engineer “alien craft.”

But, almost stranger than aliens on Earth and drones coming for us, is whatever is happening with these Wyoming Senate committee assignments. It is fascinating to watch a broken clock being put back together.

In addition to aliens being real, I also know that there are moderates in the Senate in leadership positions. While these facts seem stranger than fiction, here they are nonetheless. They find us sipping our spiked eggnog and scratching our heads, wondering what is happening.

The Freedom Caucus released a statement, saying, “We are troubled by the committee assignments in the Senate, an overwhelming majority of committees are controlled by Liz Cheney Republicans…The people want action – not a strategy from the establishment desperately clinging to power. The elections proved the power is with the people, they have cleaned the House. Now they will be watching the Senate to see which game players to purge next.”

The Freedom Caucus sent the message: they are not impressed. And who can really blame them?

But we must remember, several moderates are abandoned now, without the former ties on which they previously relied. These remaining survivors now find themselves in an era of new alliances out of necessity, not because of beliefs.

However, there is a fear in the air, and it is one that the Freedom Caucus had no problem articulating – they’ll be watching the Senate to see which players they’ll purge next.

Some of these moderates offer institutional knowledge and a desire to keep their seats. Others may be more long-term thinking in the friends they make today.

In any event, it will be an intriguing year of lawmaking as we see the Senate and governor face scrutiny, while the House runs away with a conservative margin and leadership.

Hopefully the leaders, wherever we can find them, can pick up the pieces of the broken clock and carry out the will of the people. It is a new season of Wyoming politics. We must focus on the goals ahead and stay aligned in them alongside one another.

Which is an even wilder notion than aliens. 

Cassie Craven can be reached at:



Cassie Craven
