Dennis Sun
Latest from Dennis Sun

Dennis Sun: Too Many Ag Cuts May Hurt Food Security
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Agriculture welcomes a more efficient government, but we are also worried tariffs and layoffs may cause extreme pain. I just hope Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins realize their actions affect food security."
Dennis SunFebruary 28, 2025

Dennis Sun: Beef is Still King
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Despite the rising price of beef, consumers have not backed away from purchasing it. I believe the main reason for this is because of the high quality of beef products on grocery store shelves."
Dennis SunFebruary 21, 2025

Dennis Sun: Some Positives Of Agriculture
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "There are always individuals or groups who want to stop livestock grazing and/or keep everyone from eating meat. It has been going on for years, and I realize it will most likely never stop."
Dennis SunFebruary 15, 2025

Dennis Sun: Wyoming’s Outdoor Recreation Needs Managed
With many people not respecting private property, outdoor recreation can be a large problem. Side-by-side ATVs, four-wheelers and other off-roading vehicles can cause a lot of damage to roads and other resources, especially waterways.
Dennis SunFebruary 07, 2025

Dennis Sun: The High Price of Eggs
For the last two years, I, along with everyone else, understood the pandemic and inflation were two reasons for the high price of groceries. But, when egg prices started rising even more last fall, I realized there were more issues bringing on the rising prices.
Dennis SunFebruary 01, 2025

Dennis Sun: Cattle and Beef Prices Expected to Rise
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Today, everything we read about cattle and beef say prices are going up. This can be attributed to the short supply of cattle and the high demand of consumers, both in America and around the world. Everyone wants American beef."
Dennis SunJanuary 24, 2025

Dennis Sun: The Needs of Agriculture
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I’m not sure how the new administration’s policies will shake out, but I hope some of the current barriers and restrictions will go away and make room for better policies."
Dennis SunJanuary 17, 2025

Dennis Sun: With Greenhouse Gases, Nothing is Safe
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Americans are fed up with the climate change talk and people telling us what to eat and not to eat. When people go to the store and buy meat, milk and eggs, no one is thinking about climate change."
Dennis SunJanuary 10, 2025

Dennis Sun: It's All About Food Security
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The public needs to understand ranchers pay for their livestock to graze public lands, whereas sportsmen and recreationists use the lands for free."
Dennis SunJanuary 03, 2025

Dennis Sun: What Will Happen To Agriculture In 2025?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I sure hope they don’t raise the debt limit again, but instead start limiting the debt. Currently, it takes $1 trillion to service the debt every four months. Luckily, we will have a president who will make America great again."
Dennis SunDecember 27, 2024

Dennis Sun: A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer
I ain’t much good at prayin,’ and you may not know me, Lord – for I ain’t much seen in churches, where they preach Thy Holy Word.
Dennis SunDecember 21, 2024

Dennis Sun: Farm Bill Needs To Get Passed
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "If Congress fails to pass the farm bill by Jan. 1, 2025, dairy prices, corn, cotton, rice and wheat would end up with price supports much higher than 2024 market prices."
Dennis SunDecember 14, 2024

Dennis Sun: Keeping Consumers Informed
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "People always ask me when the price of beef will come down. I have to tell them prices are currently not high – they reflect what beef is worth at this time. And then I tell them why this is so."
Dennis SunDecember 06, 2024

Dennis Sun: Humans Are Part Of The Ecosystem
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "California outlawed hunting of mountain lions in 1990, and in the 34 years since, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has had to kill many more lions every year than were killed when permitted hunting was a policy."
Dennis SunNovember 29, 2024

Dennis Sun: Against The West
President-Elect Donald Trump has campaigned to bring the DOI and BLM back under commonsense management that will listen to experts in Western states. I can’t wait.
Dennis SunNovember 22, 2024

Dennis Sun: The Future Of U.S. Meat In International Markets
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The U.S. Meat Export Federation held its annual strategic planning conference in Tucson. The first topic discussed was the analysis of the election, potential impacts on agriculture policy and international trade and how it will reflect on beef and other meat."
Dennis SunNovember 15, 2024

Dennis Sun: Cows Rule
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Usually when someone attacks the beef industry, one doesn’t have to look far to realize there are some animal rights activist cow haters involved. It’s a lot like politics – truth and science be damned, say anything you want and hopefully it sticks on the wall."
Dennis SunNovember 08, 2024

Dennis Sun: The New Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "If one looks at the makeup of the guidelines committee, they seem to be younger people who work at universities with PhDs. I would guess they all grew up in cities and don’t know how to garden. Their food and vegetables come in a box once a week."
Dennis SunNovember 01, 2024

Dennis Sun: Unmanaged Wild Horses Are A Problem
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A recent study published by the University of Wyoming noted sage grouse are suffering from unmanaged, high numbers of wild horses in Wyoming’s various herd management areas.
Dennis SunOctober 25, 2024

Dennis Sun: A Gold Mine on the Wyoming Plains
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The University of Wyoming is a treasure for the state of Wyoming in many ways. It gives so much back to the state, its people and others around the world."
Dennis SunOctober 18, 2024

Dennis Sun: Information to Help You Decide How To Vote
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For over 40 years, the American Farm Bureau Federation has sent each of the presidential candidates questions pertaining to agriculture. They are good questions, and I believe our readers could gain some value from them. I would encourage everyone to get online and read the full responses."
Dennis SunOctober 11, 2024

Dennis Sun: From the Ranch
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Despite drought, government overreach and inflation, ranchers surveyed said they are optimistic for the future."
Dennis SunOctober 04, 2024

Dennis Sun: It’s The End Of Grilling Season
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "We’ve all been concerned about food inflation the last four years, but we also need to appreciate what it costs to produce our food."
Dennis SunSeptember 27, 2024

Dennis Sun: Hey, What About the National Debt?
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Our national debt has now grown over $35 trillion. Thanks to frenzied spending after the pandemic and costly programs initiated by the president and Congress, the debt load could easily top $50 trillion in 10 years."
Dennis SunSeptember 20, 2024

Dennis Sun: How To Tell An Ag Recession is Close
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Large declining farm and ranch income is a leading indicator of a recession. So far this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts another major decline in farm income for 2024. This would be the largest decline in history."
Dennis SunSeptember 13, 2024

Dennis Sun: What Will Food Costs Do Before The Election?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "With the general election coming up in a couple of months, the price for food is a big issue. Most people say the high prices are unfair, but they keep rising."
Dennis SunSeptember 06, 2024

Dennis Sun: Sheep Are In
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Sheep have always been a vital industry in the West, even though numbers have been dropping over the years. Despite all of the hurdles of raising sheep, there is still a strong interest in them."
Dennis SunAugust 30, 2024

Dennis Sun: Slow And Even Slower
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Kamala Harris wants to have new price controls on food and is focusing on meat, especially beef. Her talk set off alarms in the cattle and beef business – futures dropped suddenly and live cattle prices dropped as well."
Dennis SunAugust 23, 2024

Dennis Sun: Some Good News
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A new study challenges outdated information and management principles related to livestock grazing in the sagebrush steppe and how it was previously thought to negatively impact these ecosystems. Instead, the study saw desirable outcomes..."
Dennis SunAugust 16, 2024

Dennis Sun: It's Wyoming State Fair Time!
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The Wyoming State Fair has been around since 1905, and its future looks brighter than ever. Wyoming is fortunate to have a state fair with our boom and bust economy. There are a lot of states that have given up on having a state fair for one reason or another."
Dennis SunAugust 09, 2024

Dennis Sun: Antiquities Act Gone Bad
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Throughout the years, we’ve seen the Antiquities Act misused by presidents looking for a legacy, it is time for Congress to go back to the original intent and get away from the huge land grabs we’ve seen lately."
Dennis SunAugust 02, 2024

Dennis Sun: Northern Cattle
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For many years, we’ve been told steers fed in the North always bring more money than Southern-fed steers. We always took pride in the fact and bragged on it."
Dennis SunJuly 26, 2024

Dennis Sun: Checkoffs Pay Back
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "In the five-year period from 2019-23, for every dollar invested in the Beef Checkoff’s demand-driven activities, producers and beef importers who pay into the program received a $13.41 benefit."
Dennis SunJuly 19, 2024

Dennis Sun: Selling Calves 101
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I thought I would explain different ways to sell livestock, as there are numerous people in our region who have no idea what happens on the farm or ranch between now and the first of the year."
Dennis SunJuly 12, 2024

Dennis Sun: Freedom Wins
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "June 28 was a great day, as the Supreme Court voted to overrule the Chevron deference. I believe the deference rule was an easy way to manage climate change, and it was used as a tool to hinder oil and gas, coal and agriculture and to take total control of lands."
Dennis SunJuly 05, 2024

Dennis Sun: Raw Milk is Political
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Around 2010, raw milk consumption – along with other food movements like organic, buy local, vegetarian and a few others – were gaining popularity with the liberal crowd. Now, especially, raw milk is the darling of conservatives."
Dennis SunJune 28, 2024

Dennis Sun: Taxpayer Dollars Are Being Used To Fund The Lab-Grown Meat Movement
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to reduce the CO2 footprint at Department of Defense (DOD) outposts."
Dennis SunJune 21, 2024

Dennis Sun: The Consolidation Of Our Ranches
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Census of Agriculture found there were 1.9 million farms and ranches in the U.S. This is the smallest number since 1950."
Dennis SunJune 14, 2024

Dennis Sun: Get Over It
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I think we are headed down the wrong road if we make our food system political, as some other countries have in getting rid of their livestock."
Dennis SunJune 07, 2024

Dennis Sun: All Of Rural America Is Waiting
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "On May 23, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee started discussing the new farm bill. The farm bill has always been contentious, and the way some members of Congress act today, it will surely be a battle to not only get the bill passed by the House, but also by the Senate."
Dennis SunMay 31, 2024

Dennis Sun: Wyoming Is Fortunate To Have Our Congressional Delegation
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Most people in Wyoming realize the current administration wants to change agriculture, energy and our way of life. They do this by ignoring Congress and the Supreme Court, printing more money, and issuing presidential executive orders."
Dennis SunMay 24, 2024

Dennis Sun: Cost Of Meat Is Not Going Down
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Lately, people have been asking me if the price of meat is going to keep getting higher. I have to be honest and tell them there are no signs of most meat prices going down, especially beef."
Dennis SunMay 17, 2024

Dennis Sun: The Food Supply
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "When talking about the nation’s food supply, people might look at you like you’re crazy because there is always food at the grocery store."
Dennis SunMay 10, 2024

Dennis Sun: Us Against Them
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "We can only hope there will be a change in administration come November. This administration wants to manage public lands using areas of critical environmental concern, where they manage for a single use, which is not good."
Dennis SunMay 03, 2024

Dennis Sun: Every Day Should Be Earth Day
Guest columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Earth Day should be an everyday occurrence with a positive note. It shouldn’t just be a day to point fingers on an issue most don’t know anything about. Those who live and work on the land realize it is a year-round job ensuring a future for agriculture."
Dennis SunApril 26, 2024

Dennis Sun: American Beef Is Top-Notch
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "American beef is the best in the world. I’m not bragging. It is proven and supported by worldwide demand for our beef."
Dennis SunApril 19, 2024

Dennis Sun: A Study In Carbon
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Ranchers in the U.S. are great stewards of the range with their rotational grazing practices, and it has been proved we can raise our income by doing so ... but good rangelands helping with pollution are welcome by most everyone."
Dennis SunApril 12, 2024

Dennis Sun: The More, The Merrier When It Comes To Grocery Shopping
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "When consumers are happy with a product, it usually puts the manufacturer or producer in good light. I think it really works with our nation’s beef and lamb producers. We need to take advantage of it."
Dennis SunApril 05, 2024

Dennis Sun: Agriculture Becomes The Scapegoat
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Some studies say agriculture is responsible for 11% of Earth’s pollution. We wonder why they are pointing their finger at ag while there is 89% left to share the blame."
Dennis SunMarch 29, 2024

Dennis Sun: Made In The USA Labels Could Mean Big Business
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Studies show nearly one-half of all U.S. beef is consumed by just 12% of Americans. The USA label premiums could result in hundreds of millions of dollars in sales revenue."
Dennis SunMarch 22, 2024

Dennis Sun: Tackling Political Beefs Over Beef
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Cattle producers realize consumers are their customers, worldwide. They all want to give these customers the best beef products they can, with a label on the package that tells the true story."
Dennis SunMarch 16, 2024

Dennis Sun: Biden's Climate Change Actions Will Be & How They Affect Agriculture
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Those in the beef industry really have concerns – both globally and in the U.S. – that they will suffer terrible consequences from actions taken in the name of climate change."
Dennis SunMarch 08, 2024

Dennis Sun: Will The U.S. Postal Service Continue to Deliver For America?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I don't think the "Delivering For America" plan does anything to help mail service in rural America, especially in Wyoming, where the U.S. Postal Service wants to move all processing centers out of the state
Dennis SunMarch 01, 2024

Dennis Sun: Looking Ahead In The World Of Agriculture
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "There are always risks in the cattle business, so what is happening with high prices today has happened before. We do have some new concerns today, some of which are not going to be solved soon.
Dennis SunFebruary 23, 2024

Dennis Sun: Alternative Meat Ain't Working
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Fake meat was supposed to take off with a blast when it got its start in America, but unlike European and Asian countries, Americans want the real deal – beef, lamb, pork and poultry."
Dennis SunFebruary 16, 2024

Dennis Sun: Cattle Prices Look Positive
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Even though it is February, I always start to hear about the state of the state of the cattle industry this time of year. Nearly all of those in the know in the beef business are talking positively about the price of cattle."
Dennis SunFebruary 09, 2024

Dennis Sun: Wyoming's 2024 Budget Session Starts On February 12
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "While reading through these bills, I realize there are a number of ways to hopefully fix the burden of high property taxes. It will take some time for legislators to sort through the bills and narrow down what Wyoming should do."
Dennis SunFebruary 02, 2024

Dennis Sun: Who’s Your Neighbor?
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Currently, 14 states regulate foreign ownership of farmland. In our region, Wyoming and Colorado are the only states with no restrictions."
Dennis SunJanuary 26, 2024

Dennis Sun: Understanding Agriculture
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For most consumers, finding food to feed their families is easy – just head to the grocery store. Most consumers don’t realize all of the work and money it takes to get America’s food onto shelves for people to select what they need."
Dennis SunJanuary 12, 2024

Dennis Sun: Endangered Species Act -- All Stick and No Carrots
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The ESA has the right to say how a listed or threatened plant or animal’s habitat will be managed without much input from the landowner. I guess this is where the saying associated with ESA – 'shoot, shovel and shut up' – came from."
Dennis SunJanuary 05, 2024

Dennis Sun: Looking Forward To 2024
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Agriculture will always remember the winter of 2023, as 90 percent of ranchers and farmers in the region had never witnessed anything like it before. Even some who remembered the Blizzard of 1949 said last winter was worse."
Dennis SunDecember 30, 2023

Dennis Sun: North Pole Postal
’Twas the week before Christmas, the office was humming. The Roundup needed sent ‘cause Christmas was coming.
Dennis SunDecember 22, 2023

Dennis Sun: Less Cattle Next Year
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "An early news show I watched one morning interviewed a mad Al Gore, who was very disappointed in the final COP28 draft for leaving out agriculture, food and fossil fuels. It made me realize when Al Gore is mad, it’s a good day."
Dennis SunDecember 16, 2023

Dennis Sun: COP 28 -- Flipping The Switch And Everything Will Be "Perfect"
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "We were told ice caps would be gone in so many years and all coastal cities and lands would be flooded. All of these predictions of doom and gloom have not materialized."
Dennis SunDecember 08, 2023

Dennis Sun: Water Is Gold
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "In Western states, water is gold. The only difference is the value of water will never go down."
Dennis SunNovember 23, 2023

Dennis Sun: Beef Producers Are Optimistic
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A recent survey showed 65 percent stating they are optimistic about the future; 57 percent reported profitability in the past five years; 54 percent noted they will add another member to their operation in the next five years and 38 percent said they plan to grow their herd size over the next five years."
Dennis SunNovember 19, 2023

Dennis Sun: U.S. Debt is Too High
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Our current government doesn’t have much of a plan to service the debt, except to keep printing money and acting like drunken sailors."
Dennis SunNovember 11, 2023

Dennis Sun: What's Happening with the Farm Bill?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The five-year 2018 Farm Bill ended on Sept. 30, which is frustrating and problematic for those in agriculture."
Dennis SunNovember 04, 2023

Dennis Sun: It Is Called Respect
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "I think some hunters must believe their hunting license gives them the right to disrespect the land and private property and do whatever it takes to fill their tag.
Dennis SunOctober 28, 2023

Dennis Sun: It Just Takes Time
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "From the time a rancher starts planning with potential genetics, to the time the bull and cow mate, it is going to be around 26 months before a consumer can buy hamburger or rib steak from the animal."
Dennis SunOctober 21, 2023

Dennis Sun: Another Raise On Postage
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Coming soon to everyone is another postage rate hike. The reason we’re getting this hike is because the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has the authority to raise rates every six months."
Dennis SunOctober 15, 2023

Dennis Sun: Calves Are Moving
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "It is a good time of year for those in the livestock business. It’s busy but rewarding. There are a lot of cattle trucks on highways leading into the region, and it only means one thing – ranchers are shipping calves."
Dennis SunOctober 07, 2023

Dennis Sun: Value-Added Dairy Cattle
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The dairy industry is taking advantage of higher cattle and meat prices and bringing in new genetics to provide more value-added beef products. Their timing is perfect."
Dennis SunSeptember 30, 2023

Dennis Sun: Climate Change And What To Believe
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Lately, we’ve heard a lot of news stories saying climate change is the reason for the extreme weather patterns we’ve experienced. The bad news is climate change is so political, we don’t know what to believe."
Dennis SunSeptember 22, 2023

Dennis Sun: Beef. It's What's For Dinner
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A recent study by Tulane University found 12 percent of Americans are responsible for eating one-half of all the beef consumed on any given day. I question this study as it was funded by groups against cattle grazing."
Dennis SunSeptember 17, 2023

Dennis Sun: Private Land Rights
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Most every person I have caught trespassing is also a terrible liar – their excuses are some of the tallest tales one will ever hear."
Dennis SunSeptember 09, 2023

Dennis Sun: Sheep Industry Goes High-Tech For Best Genetics
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, “We all know in the early days of statehood up to the 1960s, sheep were king. Let’s face it, our region is best for grazing sheep. … This vision to develop and use better genetics by a few sheep producers is the future of the industry.”
Dennis SunSeptember 02, 2023

Dennis Sun: Why The Ag Community Should Be Concerned
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Ever since Joe Biden has been president, the West and its agriculture industry have been threatened and under attack – maybe not as threatened as the energy industry has, that is, up until lately."
Dennis SunAugust 27, 2023

Dennis Sun: Corner Crossing -- What Do We Do?
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For the last couple of years, corner crossing has been a hot topic causing a lot of concern with farmers and ranchers in Wyoming. The latest judge’s ruling has not helped this concern."
Dennis SunAugust 20, 2023

Dennis Sun: It's Still Not Meat
Ag columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For beef, lamb, pork, poultry and other meat producers, the good news is these “alt-meat companies,” as they like to be called, have seen a decrease in capital raised by 42 percent in 2022 compared to 2021."
Dennis SunAugust 12, 2023

Dennis Sun: John Kerry Is At It Again
Agriculture columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Once again John Kerry, the current U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, is attacking American ranchers and farmers by criticizing food production’s contribution to carbon emissions."
Dennis SunAugust 05, 2023

Dennis Sun: Cattle Numbers Stay Low
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Fat cattle headed to packinghouses are bringing record prices lately, and these high prices are trickling down to grocery store meat counters."
Dennis SunJuly 30, 2023

Dennis Sun: It's The People
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Congress is in the process of developing and approving a new five-year farm bill, as the current bill ends on Oct. 1. One cannot overstate the importance of the farm bill to rural America and agriculture."
Dennis SunJuly 24, 2023

Dennis Sun: Hard Decisions For Ranchers And Farmers
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "There are no lazy summer days for ranchers and farmers. On one side of their businesses, of course, is the hard work – managing crops and livestock."
Dennis SunJuly 16, 2023

Dennis Sun: Kroger And Albertsons Merger Is A Threat To Agriculture
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "A prime example of concentration is the potential merger of Kroger and Albertsons grocery stores and how it may raise the cost of groceries for consumers."
Dennis SunJuly 08, 2023

Dennis Sun: Stay Positive
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Livestock prices, especially cattle prices are staying strong. Calves are in a price correction, but demand is going to stay strong. Meatpackers are trying to lower the fat cattle prices in every which way, but demand should overshadow their tricks."
Dennis SunJuly 02, 2023

Dennis Sun: Sage Grouse Again
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Wyoming was the first state to aggressively develop a management plan in hopes of keeping sage grouse from being listed on the Endangered Species Act, and other Western states used this plan as a template while adopting their own plans."
Dennis SunJune 25, 2023

Dennis Sun: Making A Difference
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "One of Wyoming’s best traits has always been giving – to other people or specific causes. It just seems to come natural to the people of the state and the region. And, in today’s society, there are always plenty of good causes to give to."
Dennis SunJune 17, 2023

Dennis Sun: It's Grilling Season
Columnist Dennis Sun writes a new study, "...found lab-grown or 'cultivated' imitation meat’s environmental impact is likely to be “orders of magnitude” higher than retail beef, based on current and near-term production methods."
Dennis SunJune 11, 2023

Dennis Sun: Information Is Dollars
For those involved in agriculture, the last couple of weeks have been a “win some, lose some” kind of time, as there have been important legal cases and new regulations making headlines.
Dennis SunJune 04, 2023

Dennis Sun: Memorial Day Is Not Just A Holiday
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "It is that time of the year in which we celebrate Memorial weekend, especially Memorial Day on Monday. I hope everyone celebrates for the right reason – to honor fallen soldiers who died serving their country."
Dennis SunMay 28, 2023

Dennis Sun: The Wild Horses Battle Goes On And On
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Even with aggressive roundups, there are still approximately 50,000 horses above the maximum appropriate management level."
Dennis SunMay 21, 2023

Dennis Sun: New Trends In Agriculture
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Genetics is one of the biggest improvements for livestock. Ranchers are now providing more beef with less cattle, with more efficient traits for growth and feed consumption."
Dennis SunMay 13, 2023

Dennis Sun: Beef Facts Matter
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "For 99 percent of the world, the Livestock and Poultry World Markets and Trade Report means nothing, but for the one percent who are interested in meat markets, it means a lot."
Dennis SunMay 06, 2023

Dennis Sun: Beef Demand Stays High
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "Despite the mayor of New York City telling all New Yorkers to limit beef consumption and go vegan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, demand and consumption of beef is staying strong. This just proves how misguided and out of touch he really is."
Dennis SunApril 29, 2023

Dennis Sun: White House Regulations Do Not Make Sense
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "At times, the government tells us how much they support agriculture and remind us of the millions of dollars they have made available through numerous programs to help ag. Then, the very next week, they pull the rug out from under us with more unnecessary regulations."
Dennis SunApril 23, 2023

Dennis Sun: Rodeo Is Back At The Wyoming State Fair
Columnist Dennis Sun writes, "The ranch rodeo was always a popular event at the Wyoming State Fair, as the stands were usually full of spectators. It is a fitting event for the state of Wyoming, and it gave winning competitors the opportunity to qualify for regional and national ranch rodeos."
Dennis SunApril 15, 2023

Dennis Sun: What's Next?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: I believe in climate change, and that it has been around since the “Seventh Day.” However, what I think most people disagree on is what causes climate change and the things we can do to change it.
Dennis SunApril 08, 2023

Dennis Sun: Ag Needs Stability
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Having an administration in Washington, D.C. that doesn’t understand agriculture, especially public lands, endangered species and water issues, creates volatility which can hinder our business climate."
Dennis SunApril 03, 2023

Dennis Sun: Ag Depends On Energy
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We need to recognize oil and natural gas are a part of our lives and will continue to be into the future. Turning to electric power for everything is a mistake."
Dennis SunMarch 18, 2023

Dennis Sun: I Don’t Need San Francisco Telling Me How To Invest My Money To Save The Planet
Wyoming rancher Dennis Sun writes: "I invest my money to make money, as long as it is legal and not harmful. Im alright with an oil company selling oil or a cow belching, but I dont need someone from San Francisco telling me how to invest my money to save our planet. They need to clean up their neighborhood first."
Dennis SunMarch 11, 2023

Dennis Sun: How Bad Is Bad
Seventy-four years ago, a blizzard out of the northwest swept across the Northern Plains, catching people unaware. This would later be known as the Blizzard of 1949 and the worst winter of the century for eastern Wyoming, western South Dakota, northern Colorado and western Nebraska.
Dennis SunMarch 05, 2023

Dennis Sun: Are We Doing Right?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "What worries me is what is going to happen with renewal energy development on public lands in our Western states. I keep reading more on the backlash of renewable energy from those in Eastern states."
Dennis SunFebruary 25, 2023

Dennis Sun: It’s Still The Beef
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "The current administration and some in Congress seem to be against farmers and ranchers with all of their proposed regulations on them. This will come out in the new farm bill as they want us to solve climate change issues."
Dennis SunFebruary 20, 2023

Dennis Sun: Less Cows, More Profits
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "As cattle markets look bullish, most producers are starting to grow concerned for their cattles condition with the winter were having. The last few months have certainly been a wakeup call for everyone on the extreme conditions a hard winter can bring."
Dennis SunFebruary 12, 2023

Dennis Sun: The Consumers’ Trust
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Anyone in the meat business, from the grocery store manager to the meatpacker, the feeder and the producer, realize they need consumers trust. This trust must not be taken for granted, nor does it come cheap."
Dennis SunJanuary 26, 2023

Dennis Sun On Agriculture: Signs That 2023 Might Rebound Into A Good Year
Dennis Sun writes: We are going to get ourselves in trouble if our country moves away from long-standing sources of energy to renewable energy completely.
Dennis SunJanuary 10, 2023

Dennis Sun: Good News – Beef Cattle Processing Is Way, Way Up
Dennis Sun writes: Combined, about 765,000 more beef cows and heifers were processed in the first 10 months of 2022 as compared to the same period in 2021.
Dennis SunDecember 04, 2022

Dennis Sun: Finally, Studies Say Eating Red Meat Is Not Bad For Your Health
Dennis Sun writes: The scientists found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type two diabetes and ischemic heart disease.
Dennis SunNovember 24, 2022

Dennis Sun: Climate Change Conference Is A Big Deal But Where Are China And India?
Guest columnist Dennis Sun writes: As we all realize, Biden's main issue is climate change. Its the reason they want to destroy the American oil industry and they are using climate change to entice farmers and ranchers into cost sharing programs.
Dennis SunNovember 14, 2022

Dennis Sun: As Seasons Change, Keep In Mind Big Issues
Dennis Sun writes: Wyoming should not have any foreign ownership of its private agricultural lands this should also happen across the nation.
Dennis SunNovember 08, 2022

Dennis Sun: Cattle Prices Up, But So Is Everything Else
Dennis Sun writes: Producers want to save any grass they have for their cows with the high price of hay and, more importantly, the low availability of hay everywhere.
Dennis SunOctober 03, 2022

Dennis Sun: Do We Want China To Continue To Buy Farmland Next To Our Military Bases?
Dennis Sun writes: "I can understand sellers wanting these countries to buy their lands they pay top dollar. But at some point, we have to stop this nonsense. It's a food security issue."
Dennis SunAugust 28, 2022

Dennis Sun: We Will Take All The Good News About Cattle Prices We Can Handle
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Now its the producers turn to reap the profits and its about time. We have to be careful not to toot our horns too quickly..."
Dennis SunJuly 24, 2022

Dennis Sun: This Are Odd Times, The Demand For Beef Is Up, And The Supply Is Down
Dennis Sun writes: As we complain, we do have to realize, in our region, we can raise calves and lambs cheaper than other areas in the country.
Dennis SunJune 30, 2022

Dennis Sun: Beef, It’s Looking Up All Around The World
Dennis Sun writes: The U.S. beef exports in 2021 were great and so far in 2022, exports have risen by over seven percent.
Dennis SunJune 05, 2022

Dennis Sun: Stockgrowers Association Needs Support Of All Wyomingites
Dennis Sun writes: One has to recognize the support currently provided by its 1,200 members or the businesses supporting WSGA through sponsorship or being in the tradeshows at the convention.
Dennis SunMay 08, 2022

Dennis Sun: Wyoming Stock Growers Celebrating 150 Years
The Wyoming Stock Growers Association has been in business for 150 years serving its members and other stock growers on a state and national level. Its longevity is unmatched here in the state.
Dennis SunMay 02, 2022

Dennis Sun: Thank A Farmer Or Rancher, They Are Not Causing High Food Prices
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: Im not writing this column for those in ag, but to help consumers understand why prices at the grocery store are so high. Please dont blame the farmers and ranchers for the high prices, most causes are out of their control."
Dennis SunApril 18, 2022

Dennis Sun: The More You Study Meat Markets The More Confusing It All Looks
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: If you are a livestock producer, understanding the current and future meat markets, both in the U.S. and abroad, can cause you to beat your head on a rock frequently.
Dennis SunApril 10, 2022

Dennis Sun: Out Here In The West, We Cannot Underestimate Importance Of Private Lands
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "n the last few years, we have seen many people move to our Western area looking to buy private land as their rights have eroded where they have lived."
Dennis SunMarch 28, 2022

Dennis Sun: If You Have A Few Days To Spare This Year, Go Visit Our National Treasure
Dennis Sun writes: The history of Yellowstone is fascinating, its something overlooked by those visiting the park. The first presence of humans in the park were found around Gardiner and dated back to at least 11,000 years ago.
Dennis SunMarch 20, 2022

Dennis Sun: Hats Off To Legislators, We Appreciate Their Work
Dennis Sun writes: We understand world and national events have dominated the news in past weeks, but the issues during the state legislature are going to affect us for years to come, too.
Dennis SunMarch 12, 2022

Dennis Sun: The World Has Changed With The War In Ukraine
Dennis Sun writes: In 2020, America was the worlds largest producer of oil and natural gas condensate, with Russia as number two. But America is also the number one user of oil and natural gas in the world.
Dennis SunMarch 06, 2022

Dennis Sun: Laws That Deal With Rights Of Private Land Owners Needs To Be Updated
Dennis Sun writes: The state laws dealing with trespassing on private lands in Wyoming are really antiquated as they havent changed much since the state was formed on July 10, 1890.
Dennis SunFebruary 20, 2022

Dennis Sun: Cheyenne, We Have A Problem . . . With Elk
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: Remember, private lands, whether a ranch or an urban backyard, are the same, except the ranchers backyard is bigger.
Dennis SunFebruary 17, 2022

Dennis Sun: In The Depths Of Winter, Most Ag Folks Are Thinking About Summer
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: Farmers, like most of agriculture, are always planning especially during the winter. They are always looking to lower input costs, shop around for markets, good buys and a good auction to attend.
Dennis SunFebruary 07, 2022

Dennis Sun: It’s Time To Get Out My Crystal Ball And Start Guessing
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "The big question for now is, 'Do I have enough hay to last until green grass?'"
Dennis SunFebruary 01, 2022

Dennis Sun: Agriculture Is Changing And Everything Is Political In Our Daily Lives
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: From a pandemic to religion to throughout our daily lives, everything is political."
Dennis SunJanuary 22, 2022

Dennis Sun: Livestock Producers Need To Keep An Eye On Restaurant Trends
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: Around half of all restaurant owners/operators surveyed will place greater emphasis on comfort and healthy food, which means more beef and lamb I hope.
Dennis SunJanuary 18, 2022

Dennis Sun: Lots Going On In Biden’s DC – We Need To Be Watchful
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: We also have to be careful when this cattle cycle flip flops and there are fewer cattle and higher prices for the producers. We see signs that this part of the cycle has started.
Dennis SunJanuary 09, 2022

Dennis Sun: So What Does 2022 Mean To The Ag Community? We Are Cautious
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: We have to realize whatever this administration does we call it making mistakes their actions are 100 percent intentional."
Dennis SunJanuary 02, 2022

Dennis Sun: Here In Wyoming, We Celebrate With A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer
Dennis Sun writes: These days we're not sure what normal is, but we do know the Spirit of Christmas is normal as it comes from the heart. The gifts our families provide us, which comes from the heart, are the best. Merry Christmas.
Dennis SunDecember 23, 2021

Dennis Sun: A Cow Provides A Whole Lot More Than Just Steak And Hamburger
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We need to give the meat processors credit for making some products out of the whole carcass into value-added byproducts."
Dennis SunDecember 19, 2021

Dennis Sun: Activists At Global Summit Place Big Blame On Cattle For Global Warming
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Activists claim animal agriculture will be responsible for 50 percent of global emissions by 2030. Methane is the big issue of concern, and environmentalists see cattle as the leading cause."
Dennis SunDecember 04, 2021

Dennis Sun: Dealing With Climate Change Rules Is One More Issue For Ag Folks
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "There is no doubt our climate is changing ... The big question is, is the change normal, or is there a human cause or are both right?"
Dennis SunNovember 13, 2021

Dennis Sun: What’s It Going To Take To Fix The Supply Chain Issue?
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: The California Legislature passed a bill, which is hung up in court right now, and bans independent owner-operators of trucks in-state and those coming into the state. Hopefully the courts will do away with this ban.
Dennis SunNovember 06, 2021

Dennis Sun: Uh-Oh, The Big Taste Test Between REAL Meat And Imitators
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: Among the plant-based burgers, the Impossible Burger ranked high in deliciousness, alongside Bubba Foods beef burger. The report said, Its by far the closest to traditional beef, but it still has a way to go. Where it fell short was the cooked smell, flavor and off-notes, which were more reminiscent of liver than whole muscle beef. Well, for those who like liver, that was a slam.
Dennis SunOctober 30, 2021

Dennis Sun: Ranchers And Farmers Keep Getting The Short Of The Stick
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We are at a time where policies in Washington, D.C. already are or will hurt agriculture and energy, especially in the West."
Dennis SunOctober 23, 2021

Dennis Sun: Be Careful, This Administration Gives . . . And It Takes
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: With the issues of estate planning, stepped-up land values and larger taxes, to name a few, agriculture is a little skeptical these days.
Dennis SunOctober 19, 2021

Dennis Sun: It’s Fall At Last
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "The demand for productive agricultural land nationwide has ballooned over the last couple of years. In essence, what landowners have, others want also."
Dennis SunOctober 10, 2021

Dennis Sun: Despite Hype, It Might Be Awhile Before We Are Driving Electric Vehicles Out Here
Dennis Sun writes: In California, according to a study, roughly 20 percent of current owners have replaced their electronic vehicles with gasoline vehicles. The main reason the drivers made the switch was the inconvenience of charging the car.
Dennis SunSeptember 25, 2021

Dennis Sun: Support The Beef Checkoff Program – It Is Good For Wyoming
Dennis Sun writes: Beef. Its Whats For Dinner. was a Beef Checkoff campaign introduced almost 31 years ago, and today it is still recognized by 88 percent of the public now that is marketing.
Dennis SunSeptember 20, 2021

Dennis Sun: You Can’t Fool A Farmer All The Time
Dennis Sun writes: "Both farmers and agribusiness managers were more confident about the present, but lower for the future. I would guess politics has something to do with this."
Dennis SunSeptember 11, 2021

Dennis Sun: Ranchers And Farmers Need To Pay Attention To Wildlife Task Force
Ranchers and farmers, as landowners, need to be a part of the discussion with their comments.
Dennis SunSeptember 04, 2021

Dennis Sun: Congress Has Agriculture In Its Sights For Estate Tax Issues
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "One of these bills would raise the inheritance tax, and the other would lower the estate tax exemption. Both of these bills pose a threat to those in a family business, especially an agricultural family business."
Dennis SunAugust 08, 2021

Dennis Sun: How About A Loud Cheer For Wyoming’s Most Effective ‘Quiet Man’
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: What we will really remember Sen. Enzi for is the way he accomplished everything. We hear tributes from the last couple of days describing him as soft spoken and quiet but, his enthusiasm and knowledge of the issues he worked on was above board and infectious.
Dennis SunAugust 03, 2021

Dennis Sun: New Senate Measure Pits Beef Raisers Against Other Beef Raisers
Guest columnist Dennis Sun writes about the Farm System Reform Act.
Dennis SunJuly 26, 2021

Dennis Sun: County Fairs Are The Best Time Of Year For Ag Folks
Guest columnist Dennis Sun details his love of county fair season, a celebration of agriculture.
Dennis SunJuly 18, 2021

Dennis Sun: Corn Rules The Ag Roost – All Six Varieties, Worldwide
Those raising or feeding cattle or sheep in the High Plains or Rocky Mountain regions have to understand what happens in a corn field in Iowa or Brazil will affect their business.
Dennis SunJuly 09, 2021

Dennis Sun: When Meatpackers Play Fair, Hell Will Have Frozen Over
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We will know hell has frozen over when we see the meatpackers accountable, but we have faith it will happen."
Dennis SunJune 20, 2021

Dennis Sun: When It Comes To Fake Meat, It’s All About Money
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "The concerning issue is, along with telling the positive story of their alternative products, they tell an inaccurate story of the products they want to substitute."
Dennis SunJune 15, 2021

Dennis Sun: An Invite To Summer Stock Growers Event
Its time to let the grass grow and come to Sheridan for fun, good conversations and great information. You dont have to be a member of WSGA to attend.
Dennis SunMay 29, 2021

Dennis Sun: The Good And Not So Good Times – This Is Normal In The World Of Livestock
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Maybe the meat shortages during the pandemic and the farm or ranch-to-plate businesses that have started up around the country makes for more demand."
Dennis SunMay 25, 2021

Dennis Sun: I Choose Not To Allow Sage Grouse Hunting On My Lands
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "From a landowners point of view, Im not for hunting sage grouse and dont allow it on my private lands this is my right."
Dennis SunMay 15, 2021

Dennis Sun: And Now For Some Much-Needed Wyoming Good News
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Were gaining, but were going to need some energy dollars to get into the black in the future. But, the state is going in the right direction."
Dennis SunMay 08, 2021

Dennis Sun: High Taxes Being Proposed Will Hurt Wyoming Agriculture
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Higher taxes will just make the farmer or rancher manage for tax write-offs to lower taxes instead of other management decisions to help the farm or ranch grow."
Dennis SunApril 20, 2021

Dennis Sun: A Service Needed
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "One of the challenges recognized in rural settings is medical care, or more importantly, ambulance or medical transportation services."
Dennis SunApril 04, 2021

Dennis Sun: Dire Thoughts About That Recent ‘Billion Dollar’ Storm
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We really dont need another storm of this magnitude whatever happened to a three-day rain? Storms this time of the year, besides helping the soil moisture, spur activity in the cattle and sheep markets especially in the Great Plains area."
Dennis SunMarch 26, 2021

Dennis Sun: Slower Mail, Higher Prices
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "Those who live in rural areas cherish electricity, telephone, broadband and a prompt U.S. Postal Service. So far this year, everything seems to be reliable, except for the mail service."
Dennis SunMarch 11, 2021

Dennis Sun: Coal is Still King
Columnist Dennis Sun writes: "We learned this past week solar and wind energy alone are not going to cut it. During a normal summer, wind can provide around 60 percent of the power for the state of Texas, but during a harsh winter, its a different matter."
Dennis SunFebruary 25, 2021