Cassie Craven
Latest from Cassie Craven

Cassie Craven: The Wild Bunch Is Wyoming
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Gordon’s letter quoted an unnamed neighbor: ‘This wild bunch doesn’t understand Wyoming.’ With all due respect, Governor, the wild bunch was elected in a near landslide, despite your big-time money and endorsements trying to stack the deck. Maybe you and your friends don’t understand Wyoming.”
Cassie CravenMarch 02, 2025

Cassie Craven: Federal Politics Through the Lens of a Barmaid
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, "I worked at the local bar growing up. Other than a couple of churches and a post office, it was the only place for human contact. I’ve seen people live and die based on what the government wants to give them."
Cassie CravenFebruary 28, 2025

Cassie Craven: Sure, I'll Be Your Villain
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “My opponents lately are convinced that my work and my voice are about money or some ulterior motive. Let’s be clear, I came from nothing and I will leave with nothing. Money is meaningless to me. But you must always be truthful, no matter the cost. "
Cassie CravenFebruary 23, 2025

Cassie Craven: DOGE Dividends and Property Taxes Have a Lot in Common
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “A Cheyenne representative pointed out that Laramie County collected $32 million in property taxes and put every penny in reserves. In short, the government gets to save for a rainy day while you can’t afford to pay your debt or save for your own rainy day."
Cassie CravenFebruary 20, 2025

Cassie Craven: Can the Government Compel Your Use of Pronouns?
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Government’s policies attempt to override our God-given freedom and compel our speech to fall in line with their ideological secularism, which is a religion in its own right.”
Cassie CravenFebruary 16, 2025

Cassie Craven: Death to the Bureaucracy and Its Secrets
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “In lieu of a large unelected bureaucracy, our elected officials seem to be pursuing truth and recreating a government that is responsive to the people. That is the point of democracy after all.”
Cassie CravenFebruary 13, 2025

Cassie Craven: A Wild Week in the Wyoming Legislature
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “A few remnants of the failed and governor-supported ‘Wyoming Caucus’ are kicking and screaming while the majority of the House pushes toward government reform.”
Cassie CravenFebruary 09, 2025

Cassie Craven: Let’s Get Back to the Old School Way of Hand Counting Ballots
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “A 7-year-old kid was able to hack into a voting machine at a 2018 DEFCON hacking event. But don’t worry, your vote is safe because U.W. took a poll and 94% of people trust them. Don’t ask questions, conspiracy theorist.”
Cassie CravenFebruary 02, 2025

Cassie Craven: Freedom Caucus Shows Promises Made, Promises Kept
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “To say the Freedom Caucus is grandstanding for publicity or campaign issues years from now is a wild notion. They just kicked establishment incumbents all the way out the door. They don’t need campaign issues. They need results and promises delivered – and so far so good.”
Cassie CravenJanuary 26, 2025

Cassie Craven: That Time A National LGBT Group Blasted A Wyoming One
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “An interesting moment surfaced in the Labor and Health Committee this week when national group Gays Against Groomers lambasted the state’s most prominent LGBTQ advocacy group, Wyoming Equality, for its dystopian agenda."
Cassie CravenJanuary 19, 2025

Cassie Craven: The Five and Dime Deserves a High Five
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “In addition to the Freedom Caucus’ 'Five and Dime' plan, lawmakers in Wyoming should go on a regulatory rampage. They should engage with law-repealing with as aggressive force as they approach lawmaking."
Cassie CravenJanuary 05, 2025

Cassie Craven: The Great Mother’s Goodbye
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “The Great Mother went out of her element to meet death on its own terms. Usually, the nearby den mother stayed with the pack’s pups, after hardened time and battle wore her bones."
Cassie CravenDecember 29, 2024

Cassie Craven: The Game Is Shifting On Sex-Change Laws
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Perhaps the Wyoming Republicans who voted against the What is a Woman Act last time, will rethink their positions in light of recent law, and common sense.”
Cassie CravenDecember 22, 2024

Cassie Craven. Aliens Are Real. And So Are Moderates In The Senate
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “In addition to aliens being real, I also know that there are moderates in the Senate in leadership positions. While these facts seem stranger than fiction, here they are nonetheless."
Cassie CravenDecember 15, 2024

Cassie Craven: Live Not By Lies
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Justice Jackson’s Imaginary Equal Protection Clause theory reimagines that the law must protect you as a special category, even if your category is outside of reality. If this logic holds, next up are classifications for astrological sign, furry identification and favorite sandwich.”
Cassie CravenDecember 08, 2024

Cassie Craven: Did You Talk About Politics At The Turkey Table?
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “I asked my soon-to-be 9 year old, what I should write a column about this week. She thought for a moment and said, if you could tell Jesus something what would you say? Well, I would tell him thank you."
Cassie CravenDecember 01, 2024

Cassie Craven: I Did Vote for Women
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “If the women of the Left care about women’s rights at all, they should wake up and see the world for what it actually is and act. We are so much more than a set of pronouns. We must be more than radical zealots fighting to kill our own babies."
Cassie CravenNovember 24, 2024

Cassie Craven: We Do Not Want Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms. Do Your Job In Cheyenne.
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “We must take a stand, not to assimilate genders which is what is sought by extremists, but instead to honor the integrity of safety and privacy in a public school setting, which kids are required to be in.”
Cassie CravenNovember 17, 2024

Cassie Craven: The Biggest Loser Wasn’t the Democrat Party, It Was the Machine
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “The machine itself was the biggest loser on election night. Dynasties like the Cheneys and Obamas are yesterday’s news. We witnessed a cultural revolution for America when Republicans took a landslide victory.”
Cassie CravenNovember 10, 2024

Cassie Craven: Go Vote
Columnist Cassie Craven writes: 12-year-old Joselyn was found with her hands and feet bound. She had no pants. The two men who raped and killed her were illegal immigrants who flooded the country with millions of others, under the watch of Kamala Harris.
Cassie CravenNovember 03, 2024

Cassie Craven: Our Citizens Killing Themselves Is Worth The ‘Uprising’
Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Reading Susan Stubson’s column reminded me of a recent JD Vance interview, in which he said candidly, ‘Do you hear yourself Martha?’ We rank third in the nation for suicide – but that is not worthy of an ‘uprising’?”
Cassie CravenOctober 27, 2024