Strange On The Range: Wyoming Comic Artists Create Eclectic Compilation Of Wild & Weird

Strange on the Range is a new underground publication that features an eclectic mix of Wyoming comic artists. The hard-copy magazine is dedicated to the work of Wyoming comic illustrators.

David Madison

February 23, 20254 min read

Strange on the Range creator Ella Bishop-Heil.
Strange on the Range creator Ella Bishop-Heil. (Ella Bishop-Heil)

TheĀ debut issue ofĀ theĀ underground publication Strange on the Range is dedicated toĀ theĀ work of Wyoming comic illustrators. Itā€™s a celebrationĀ of Wyoming-born weirdness and wonder, and it immediately transports readers to ā€œCasperā€™s Seven Wonders.ā€Ā 

Comic artist JL Mast, who splits his time between Casper and Saint-Etienne, France, plays comic tour guide.

ā€œWhen I got to Casper fresh from France, everyone was like, ā€˜You gotta seeĀ theĀ Seven Wonders,ā€™ā€ reads Mastā€™s comic, as it depicts a loose collectionĀ of real-life oddities spread across Casper.Ā These includeĀ theĀ ā€œCar InĀ The Boxā€Ā onĀ North Sun Drive andĀ theĀ ā€œSpiral Staircase to Nowhere.ā€

Mastā€™s comic gives directions to a locationĀ behind Toy Town, where as Mast illustrates,Ā theĀ staircase ā€œleads straight into a solid brick wall.ā€

From realistic to absurd, Strange on the Range offers a platform for Wyoming-based comic artists like Mast.Ā 

InĀ  summer 2023, Ella Bishop-Heil daydreamed about creating a forum for visual creatives like herself in Wyoming.Ā 

TheĀ title Strange on the Range came to mind.

It was playful and expressed how Bishop-Heil sometimes feels at work as conservationĀ manager for Pathfinder Ranches. Sheā€™s comic-minded in a cowboy world, andĀ theĀ thought of replacingĀ theĀ word ā€œhomeā€ with ā€œstrangeā€ made Bishop-Heil smile.Ā 

Around October 2023, Bishop-Heil started reaching out to other comic artists in Wyoming and gradually,Ā the first submissions arrived at Strange on the Range headquarters in Casper. From home, Bishop-Heil started to curateĀ theĀ zine, allĀ theĀ while dreaming up its first cover.Ā 

TheĀ yellow banner atĀ theĀ top ofĀ theĀ cover of issue No. 1 looks likeĀ theĀ standard front cover of a Broadway Playbill, andĀ theĀ horse imagery Bishop-Heil composed shows off her dynamic style.Ā 

ā€œLike those early Broadway Playbills, I wanted to also like reach for pulp design covers like pieces of paper that you would get look atĀ once and kind of throw away,ā€ said Bishop-Heil.

ā€œIt's not quite a comic cover, but it's not quite a fine art illustration. It's like kind of somewhere inĀ theĀ middle,ā€ said Bishop-Heil.

Original Works For Issue No. 1

Mast wasĀ one ofĀ theĀ first to submit original work to StrangeĀ onĀ theĀ Range. It was a perfect fit.Ā 

ā€œHe draws comics professionally. He's been published in Marvel,ā€ said Bishop-Heil. ā€œHe DM'ed meĀ onĀ Instagram earlyĀ onĀ and was like, ā€˜I want to draw a comic forĀ theĀ zine.ā€™ That's not an excerpt from something printed elsewhere. You canĀ only read it inĀ theĀ zine. Just truly special.ā€

Other original work came from Laramie Artist Sarah Frary, whose illustrations project magical realism uponĀ the Wyoming backcountry.Ā 

Frary recreatesĀ theĀ adventure of tracking a mountain lionĀ with hounds.Ā 

ā€œWe caught him and, unharmed, we let him go,ā€ writes Frary, as her black and white illustrations fade between waking moments followingĀ theĀ scent of a lionĀ and a dream state.Ā 

ā€œThat morning we shared a dream,ā€ writes Frary. ā€œIt was an intense experience.ā€

  • Strange on the Range is available in hard copy at Wind City Books and Art321 in Casper.
    Strange on the Range is available in hard copy at Wind City Books and Art321 in Casper. (Ella Bishop-Heil)
  • Jon Lew grew up in Rawlins and brings a rock poster art look to his work.
    Jon Lew grew up in Rawlins and brings a rock poster art look to his work. (Jon Lew: Pink Pony Girl\, 2024. Gelli print, acrylic on paper and Mush-Room, 2024)
  • Laramieā€™s Sarah Frary tracks a lion with hounds and a sense of magical realism in her contribution to Strange on the Range.
    Laramieā€™s Sarah Frary tracks a lion with hounds and a sense of magical realism in her contribution to Strange on the Range. (Sarah Frary)
  • Casper artist JL Mast leads readers on a tour of Casperā€™s Seven Wonders.
    Casper artist JL Mast leads readers on a tour of Casperā€™s Seven Wonders. (JL Mast)
  • An example of Cheyenne artist Larissa Akhmetova's work.
    An example of Cheyenne artist Larissa Akhmetova's work. (Larissa Akhmetova)
  • Helen and Kate sprung from a strange dream by Cheyenne artist DesirĆ©e Brothe.
    Helen and Kate sprung from a strange dream by Cheyenne artist DesirƩe Brothe. (DesirƩe Brothe)
  • Laramieā€™s Sarah Frary tracks a lion with hounds and a sense of magical realism in her contribution to Strange on the Range.
    Laramieā€™s Sarah Frary tracks a lion with hounds and a sense of magical realism in her contribution to Strange on the Range. (Sarah Frary)
  • Strange on the Range cover designed by Ella Bishop-Heil.
    Strange on the Range cover designed by Ella Bishop-Heil. (Ella Bishop-Heil)

Upcoming Showcase in Cheyenne

ā€œLooking at Wyoming,Ā there's this sort of craving to participate in creative things by artists,ā€ said Bishop-Heil. ā€œSeeing something likeĀ theĀ zine pop up, people were instantly intrigued and interested.ā€

Bishop-Heil said she wanted to craft something low-budget and grassroots.Ā 

ā€œI hope people saw this approachable tool that was specifically designed to support this medium of art that isn't often supported,ā€ said Bishop-Heil. ā€œComics art as a whole is sort of overlooked.ā€

This summer,Ā theĀ medium will be spotlighted in Cheyenne by Arts Cheyenne andĀ theĀ Cheyenne Creativity Center.Ā 

ā€œWe have a zine gallery show that's upcoming in June,ā€ said Bishop-Heil. ā€œIā€™ve been working with DesirĆ©e Brothe. She's also an artist inĀ theĀ zine. She didĀ theĀ ā€˜Helen and Kate.ā€™ She'sĀ theĀ executive director of Arts Cheyenne.ā€

ā€œHelen and Kate,ā€ as BrotheĀ illustrates, areĀ onĀ an odyssey through dive bars and bad motels. Brothe reconstructs a world she first encountered in a strangeĀ fever dream.Ā 

ā€œThese two women traveling and just some ofĀ theĀ scenes that you actually see inĀ theĀ story were part of that dream,ā€ BrotheĀ told Cowboy State Daily Friday. ā€œI start taking inspirationĀ fromĀ theĀ dream images as well as other resources and put some images together for it.ā€

LikeĀ theĀ plot of a David Lynch film,Ā thereā€™s something dark underĀ theĀ surface of Brotheā€™s illustrations that goes unexplained.Ā 

ā€œI leave two things open to interpretation: what time period does it actually take place in? And what doĀ they actually do for work? I leave that open to interpretationĀ forĀ theĀ reader,ā€ said Brothe.Ā 

Strange on the Range is available in hard copy at Wind City Books and Art 321 in Casper.Ā OnĀ June 6, artists from Issue No. 1 will kick off a month-long exhibit atĀ theĀ Cheyenne Creativity Center during a First Friday receptionĀ from 5-8 p.m.

David Madison can be reached at



David Madison


David Madison is an award-winning journalist and documentary producer based in Bozeman, Montana. Heā€™s also reported for Wyoming PBS. He studied journalism at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and has worked at news outlets throughout Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana.