State Rep. J.D. Williams, R-Lusk, said he is very concerned that his fellow lawmakers aren’t considering Wyoming’s future generations with the way they’re making property tax cuts in this year’s legislative session.
Citing a lack of evidence that it works, the Wyoming House slashed all funding for the state’s cloud-seeding program on Monday.
Rep. Steve Harshman criticized fellow lawmaker Rep. John Bear on Monday for an op-ed where Bear labeled some legislators as "lobbyists." Harshman said it was a "reprehensible" accusation and could file a formal complaint.
A group of Wyoming Highway Troopers gave a report to the House Judiciary Committee on their experience assisting at the southern border, describing the situation as very serious.
Members of the health advocacy organization Healthy Wyoming were on hand at the State Capitol on Monday.
Although the group has pushed for Medicaid Expansion in the past, there are no bills addressing this in this year’s session. Instead, they asked lawmakers on Monday what they are doing to improve health care in Wyoming.