Guest Column: The People Have Spoken And We Have A Mandate

Rep. Bill Allemand writes, "The Freedom Caucus had huge wins in the last election, The people have spoken and given a mandate to fix our property tax problems, stop woke polices in Wyoming that are constantly being pushed by the left, and stop waste, fraud, and abuse in state spending."

CSD Staff

January 07, 20253 min read

Allemand 9 6 23

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

These God-given rights are what your Freedom Caucus members believe in and will strive to embolden and protect. For this reason, a plan evolved into what we call the Five and Dime.

Five very important bills will be introduced and hopefully passed in the first ten days of session in the House of Representatives.

Some of these bills will protect and defend our voting rights by tightening our election registration rules and invalidate driver licenses issued to illegal immigrants by other states.

Only Wyoming citizens should vote in Wyoming Elections. The banning of ESG practices will be enforced so the State of Wyoming will not invest in companies that are trying to destroy are legacy industries such as agriculture, coal, oil, gas, and trona. 

Your Freedom Caucus is also running the bill that was vetoed by the governor last session reducing property tax’s 25% to all homeowners in Wyoming for the first two million in value.

The Freedom Caucus had huge wins in the last election, The people have spoken and given a mandate to fix our property tax problems, stop woke polices in Wyoming that are constantly being pushed by the left, and stop waste, fraud, and abuse in state spending.

Other bills we will be running this year include:

Stopping China, Russia, and state sponsors of terror from buying or leasing land, minerals, royalites, or businesses in Wyoming.

Protecting young lady athletes in all state funded schools from having to compete against males in sports.

Protecting our children from porn in libraries.

Stopping gender born males from using the same bathroom as our daughters and granddaughters.

We will work to give and help finance the right of parents to send their children to the school of their choice.

It is a proven fact most preventable shootings happen in gun free zones. So, we will get rid of gun free zones.

We are determined to finance the state and schools what is required to keep them running efficiently. However, we will stop wasteful spending wherever we find it.

God and the people of Wyoming have honored us, giving conservatives a chance to lead our great state in the House of Representatives for the first time since statehood. Wyoming is the first and only state having a majority of Freedom Caucus and conservative members.

Call your senator and the governor and ask them to support the Five and Dime plan and other agendas of the people of Wyoming.

Most of all please pray and give us a chance, expecting that we will do well for the people of Wyoming. Please follow us on Facebook and go to our website.

 Bill Allemand, House District 58     

Midwest, Wyoming



CSD Staff
