Letter To The Editor: Trump Using Judicial System For Political & Financial Advantage

Dear editor: "Following Trump’s guilty verdict on all 34 felony counts, the Wyoming Congressional delegation and the governor rushed to defend their presumptive GOP presidential candidate by repeating the same highly charged rhetoric used by the former president."

June 09, 20244 min read

Trump 6 10 24

Dear editor:

Trump is using the judicial system to his political and financial advantage while the leaders in his party are behaving like they are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome as they cast doubt on our system of justice.

Following Trump’s guilty verdict on all 34 felony counts in the “hush money” trial, the Wyoming Congressional delegation and the Governor rushed to defend their presumptive GOP Presidential candidate by repeating the same highly charged rhetoric used over and over by the former President, such as the case “has never been about justice," it was obvious “attempt to influence our elections”, and the Democrats are “weaponizing the justice system against a political opponent.” 

This over-the-top support by these leaders is reminiscent of the Stockholm Syndrome where people held captive or in abusive situations develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. 

While Trump has not physically held hostage leaders in the Republican Party, he has effectively turned them into his ardent followers and disciples. 

His takeover of the Republican Party has created an environment where his sycophants fear for their political survival if they fail to march in lock-step with his commands and dictates. 

This unabridged loyalty to a political leader, now a convicted felon, has never before been seen in American politics.

What these Republicans fail to appreciate is that their politically motivated comments undercut and cast doubt on our judicial system and the rule of law. 

During the trial Trump repeatedly charged that the criminal proceedings were “weaponized”, “politicized” and “rigged” in order to prevent him from getting back to the Oval Office. 

His incessant rants were aimed at the NY prosecutor, the trial judge, the DOJ and the Biden administration, even though the latter two had no involvement.  In fact, it is Trump who has “weaponized” and “politicalized” the criminal proceedings for his own political and financial gain.

Trump has been masterful in the use of the criminal entanglements to twist them his advantage. 

Knowing he was going to be indicted long before they were handed down is why he announced in November 2022 that he was running for President again, nearly two years before the general election and months before the first indictments were even announced.   

As a former President with an iron-clad grip on the Republican Party, there was no need for him to announce his candidacy so early. 

But he knew if he made public that he was running before the indictments were made known, he could characterize the criminal indictments as political weapons solely aimed at derailing his desire to return to the White House.  

This carefully calculated move has allowed him to not only solidify his MAGA base but to also raise million dollars for his campaign and to defray his legal defense expenses. 

How anyone who has been charged with over 90 indictments, including 34 of which he has been found guilty, could reap such benefit from being a convicted felon is beyond comprehension. 

There is a real possibility that Trump will be elected in November and will have raised more money than if he had not been charged with any criminal activity. 

This tactic has worked thus far because he has access to a microphone and social media outlet with huge audiences who are the recipients of his outrageous claims about being victimized by a system that is out to get him.  Worse yet is that so many seem to believe him.

Republican officeholders have every right to support and defend Trump, as they would for any other convicted felon; to support him with their voices and money; to even suggest he is innocent of the charges and urge reversal on appeal. 

However, regardless of Trump’s outlandish attacks on prosecutors, judges, juries and the entire judicial system, his argent Republican followers should not stoop to his level of the attacks on the judicial system and the rule of law. 

Whether these leaders are victims of the Stockholm Syndrome or because of their fear Trump might destroy their political career unless they give him full-throated support, protecting and preserving the fundamental underpinning of our democracy is far more important than embracing Trump’s attacks, even if he is the former President and he is the face of the Republican Party.   


Rex Arney, Sheridan