Hageman Pleased With Election Of ā€˜Solid Conservativeā€™ Mike Johnson As Speaker

U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman is pleased that Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, whom she called ā€œa solid conservative,ā€ was selected as the new House speaker on Wednesday.

Leo Wolfson

October 25, 20233 min read

U.S. Reps. Mike Johnson and Harriet Hageman
U.S. Reps. Mike Johnson and Harriet Hageman (Getty Images; Matt Idler for Cowboy State Daily)

After three weeks of chaos that left the U.S. House without a leader and highlighted some extreme divisions within the Republican Party, the chamber has a new leader in Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, who was voted in on Wednesday.

U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyoming, said in a press release she’s pleased Johnson’s bid for speaker was successful and she believes he will guide the House in the right direction.

“I congratulate my friend and colleague Mike Johnson, a solid conservative, on his election as Speaker of the house,” Hageman said. “I know that he will lead the fight to close our borders, pass conservative appropriations bills to responsibly fund our government, hold the Biden crime family responsible for any and all misdeeds, and provide a conservative counterbalance to the Democrat-led Senate.”

Who’s Johnson?

Hageman serves with Johnson on the House Judiciary Committee, the Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government. 

Johnson, who represents northwest Louisiana, is a socially and religious conservative lawyer who is pro-life on abortion and opposes same-sex marriage. He also played a key role in former President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. He sponsored legislation to effectively bar the discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity at any institution serving children younger than 10 that receives federal money.

“I have seen firsthand his ability to lead, his tenacious spirit working to hold the federal government accountable to the people, and his dogged pursuit to end the Biden Administration’s two-tiered system of justice,” Hageman said.

How Did He Do It?

To win his election, Johnson was able to win over mainstream conservatives and moderate Republicans for unanimous support from the party’s 220 House members, something Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, was unable to accomplish in his three speaker votes, and former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-California, in his failed bid to hold his position.

Hageman voted in support of both McCarthy and Jordan. On Wednesday, she voted for Johnson. 

Democrats are not impressed with Johnson’s election.

California congressman Pete Aguilar described the speaker fight as a competition to see “who can appease Donald Trump,” drawing applause from a handful of hard-right Republicans.  

Hageman said Johnson has outlined a clear plan and timeline for the remaining appropriations bills, which must pass by mid-November to prevent a government shutdown. She said Johnson’s also committed to canceling the 2024 August recess unless all 12 appropriations bills have passed the House.

“He will fight for our constitutional rights and for a limited federal government, which are also the same ideals that we hold in Wyoming,” Hageman said. “I look forward to being a strong ally of our new speaker in this fight, which is one that we can and must win.”

Leo Wolfson can be reached at leo@cowboystatedaily.com.



Leo Wolfson

Politics and Government Reporter