Gillette Man Uses Fake $100 Bill To Pay For Court-Ordered Drug Testing

A 36-year-old participant in Campbell County’s 24/7 drug program may face more charges after he paid for his court-ordered twice-daily drug testing with a fake $100 bill.

Greg Johnson

June 28, 20232 min read

Counterfeit 100 6 28 23

Finding that $100 bill in a car may not have been a turn of good fortune for a 36-year-old Campbell County man who used it to pay for his court-ordered twice-daily drug testing.

That’s because the C-note was fake.

As a participant in the county’s 24/7 drug program, the man is required to visit the sheriff’s office in Gillette every morning and evening and take a breath test and any other court-order drug testing, said Campbell County Undersheriff Quentin Reynolds.

Those in the program also have to pay for their tests.

When the man came in Tuesday evening, he presented a $100 bill to credit toward his account, went to the testing station and left. While doing that, sheriff’s office personnel used a marker to test the bill, which showed it was fake, Reynolds said.

Although at a glance the note looks genuine, a closer look reveals “movie prop use only” is printed on it.

Found Money

The man said he found the fake $100 bill in a car and thought it was real, Reynolds said. So, he snagged it.

“It could’ve been an honest mistake and he just grabbed it out of the car (like he said),” Reynolds said. “He’s trying to keep ahead on paying his fees.”

The man has been reporting for twice-daily drug testing since May 5, Reynolds said, and hasn’t presented other problems for staff.

“Obviously, he comes in and out of the facility twice a day,” he said. “Our employees know him and have been working with him for about two months.”

The man hasn’t been charged with trying to pass counterfeit money, he said. That will be up to the Campbell County Attorney’s office.

Greg Johnson can be reached at



Greg Johnson

Managing Editor

Veteran Wyoming journalist Greg Johnson is managing editor for Cowboy State Daily.