The presence of a single book in libraries across Wyoming has certainly riled up the conservative opinion writers of the Cowboy State Daily with Rod Miller, Dave Simpson and one Pavlos L. Papadopoulos Assistant Professor of Humanities at Wyoming Catholic College all chiming in.
I came of age in an era before the internet so I learned about sex from my peers, lame health classes and dumpster diving. Yes I got my hands on “porn” by extracting sexually explicit materials from the trash can and then trying to understand women by reading Cosmopolitan. Back in those days parents could tell all kinds of lies about sex or not say anything which results in a sexually repressed society as well as bad sex.
Repression of sex and discussions of it not only lead to bad sex it can also lead to deviant behavior by those that repress it too much. For instance when Spuds MacKenzie was causing problems for a high school discussed by Mr. Simpson, my high school football coach was “dating” a Junior at our high school. His wife and the mother of his two perfect children had recently run off with their Pastor and marriage counselor, so he lost it and hooked up with her. Do not worry nothing happened to either party as he became Superintendent of another school district and she went to have a successful life.
While the CSD writers continue to misrepresent what an educational book about sex would cause in society, two States Attorney Generals have released reports on the sexual abuse that occurred in their two states; Maryland and Illinois. Only 48 more states to go to see the full depravity waged on its customers by the Catholic Church and then maybe we can get reports on the Baptists and the Mormon sexual abuse. I look forward to the Cowboy State Daily articles on those issues as well as the opinion writers.
I am 60 years old and my brother and I certainly wished we had better sex education as the world would be a better place if there were more satisfied consenting adults. I would have learned a lot more about life from the book “Let’s Talk About It" than I did from the Penthouse forum. I still cannot get the story of the guy lusting after his cooking turkey out of my head. Ah well a warm turkey is far more ethical than a young alter boy, don't you think?
Greg Hunter
Laramie Wyoming