Daily Sunrise: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Today's Wyoming sunrise was taken by Stephen Dechert near Pavillion, Wyoming. Stephen writes, "I went out on my deck with my morning coffee and as the sun came up behind me the colors on the barn, trees, and field grew very vivid due to overnight rain. The almost full moon was the icing on the cake."

June 06, 20231 min read

Sunrise 6 6 23

Today's Wyoming sunrise was taken by Stephen Dechert two miles south of Pavillion, Wyoming looking west / southwest toward the Wind River mountain range.

Stephen writes, "I went out on my deck with my morning coffee and as the sun came up behind me the colors on the barn, trees, and field grew very vivid due to overnight rain. The almost full moon was the icing on the cake."

To submit your Wyoming sunrise photo, email us at: News@CowboyStateDaily.com

NOTE: Please send us the highest-quality version of your photo. The larger the file, the better.

NOTE #2: Please include where you are from and where the photo was taken.

NOTE #3: Tell us about your sunrise. What do you like about it?

NOTE #4: We prefer horizontal (not vertical) photos. Thanks!