Update: This story has been updated to include a Wyoming Highway Patrol description of the crime scene and a police phone number for people with information about the incident.
A man walking at midnight on the Wind River Indian Reservation died early Tuesday after a driver hit him and fled the scene, according to the Wyoming Highway Patrol.
Wilford Hill, 30, was walking west on the road shoulder down the 200 block of Ethete Road just before midnight on Monday, when a dark-colored Toyota hit and killed him without braking, according to a Wyoming Highway Patrol fatality report and an interview with Sgt. Jeremy Beck.
"It doesn't appear there was any braking from the vehicle," said Beck. "They collided with the pedestrian and continued on traveling away from the scene of the collision."
Road conditions were dry and the weather clear.
Highway Patrol troopers believe the vehicle was either a 2008 Toyota Camry or a 2009-2013 Toyota Corolla, Beck said.
"Some car parts left at the scene (are) leading them to believe it's that year and that model timeframe," he said, adding that it the distinctive part was a side mirror. Beck said the Toyota is likely dark-colored and should have severe passenger-side damage and possibly a broken windshield.
Anyone with information about the incident can call the Lander patrol office at 307-332-4155 or the patrol dispatch at 307-777-4321. The Wyoming Highway Patrol is investigating the incident.
The Toyota was the only vehicle involved; no rollover happened, says the report.
The local dispatch called the Fremont County Coroner to the scene a minute after the crash, according to law enforcement call logs.