The story of a Wyoming man and woman accused of multiple murders will soon be told in an Oxygen television show.
The story of Gerald and Alice Uden will be featured in an episode of the network’s “Killer Couples” program on June 25, according to a Facebook post by author Ron Franscell, a former Wyoming resident himself.
Franscell’s book “Alice & Gerald: A Homicidal Love Story” looks at the investigative work that went into the filing of charges in 2013 against the Udens for crimes that occurred in the mid-1970s and 1980.
“The bloody story of homicidal husband and wife Gerand and Alice Uden is coming to a TV near you,” Franscell, a former Wyoming newspaper publisher, wrote on a Facebook post. “Ther sordid tale will be featured on Oxygen Network’s ‘Killer Couples’ series at 8pm on June 25 and you might even get a glimpse of the crime-writer guy who wrote ‘Alice & Gerald: A Homicidal Love Story.”
Alice Uden was convicted in 2014 of shooting her third husband in the head while they were living in Cheyenne in 1974 or 1975. Gerald Uden pleaded guilty at about the same time to killing his ex-wife and two adopted sons in Fremont County in 1980.
None of the bodies were ever found.
Alice and Gerald Uden were both serving their sentences at the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution in Torrington. After Alice’s death, Gerald tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his confession in the death of his ex-wife and adopted sons.Â
Gerald Uden remains in the Medium Correctional Institution.