Good News: Wyoming is Not the Fattest State In the Nation

Wyoming is not the fattest state in the nation according to a new survey.

Annaliese Wiederspahn

November 10, 20202 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Although Wyoming is surrounded by much more fit states, at least we find ourselves in the lowest half of the fattest states in America (lowest meaning good).

A new survey came out today which ranked the fattest states in America.

The fattest states?  No surprise.  All in the south. West Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas take top honors, according to Wallet Hub.

Wyoming, on the other hand, ranked 31st in the nation. If you are feeling cocky, don’t look at Utah or Colorado (49th or 51st respectively). Don’t look up either. Montana ranks 45th. Even Nebraska beats us (at 40th).

The reason for the survey is not to fat-shame, they say. They point to “health consequences” of fatness — mostly diabetes.

“Fat is becoming the new normal in America,” the report reads. “According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than seven in 10 U.S. adults aged 20 and older are either overweight or obese.”

The U.S. spends nearly $200 billion in annual health care costs related to obesity, the report said.

The study, curiously, then lists the top 50 comfort foods for each state. Wyoming does very well in this respect.

Buffalo jerky is number one for our state — which comes in at 240 calories per serving.

That compares with fried cheese curds in Wisconsin (home of Chris Farley) — which has 1,190 calories per serving.

Nevada’s choice of comfort food calls seems logical.  “Hotel buffets” are listed as its residents’ top choice with 1,000 calories — although 5,000 calories seems more logical.

Maybe Wallet Hub should employ a fact-checker for that one. But definitely they need a spellchecker.  They list “pasties” as the top food item in Michigan.

Maybe but the pasties look more like “pastries” in the accompanying graphic. Or maybe they are just really weirdly shaped pasties.

CORRECTION: We’ve been told by many, many readers that pasties are not just things that strippers wear. They are actual food. We stand corrected.

Maybe there’s a reason that Utah comes in 51st with its choice of top comfort food. Something called “funeral potatoes” is the top choice. That, like Wyoming’s buffalo jerky, has a paltry 240 calories.



Annaliese Wiederspahn

State Political Reporter