We’ve all had days when we’ve miscalculated measurements. Whether guessing the size of a cup for a recipe or how much gas is left in the car.
Usually the mistake is inconsequential. Not so much for this truck driver in Casper.
Turns out he/she was guessing the clearance under the overpass and was off by a bit.
The Casper Police department explained that “a truck, that was a bit too tall, tried to drive under the bridge which caused it to pull down some wiring.”
Crews, the department said, would be on scene for several hours to ensure the safety of the bridge and wires before opening it back to traffic.
Of course, slamming into bridges is not unique to Casper.
Every year in Boston, there’s a contest to see which mathematically-challenged college student will ignore warning signs and slam a moving truck into a bridge on Storrow Drive. It happens so often, Bostonians call it getting “Storrowed.”
“The bridge will win. The ensuing mess will take hours to clean up and back up Boston’s serpentine traffic for miles,” laments the Wall Street Journal.
At 11:30 this morning, the Casper Police Department said the bridge was reopened.
Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be video of the truck ramrodding into the bridge but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of video of other trucks making the same mistake. Enjoy this compilation video: