Report: Wyoming Residents Receiving Strange Seeds From China

A number of farmers from across the country, including Wyoming, have reported receiving strange seeds from China that they didn't order.

Ellen Fike

July 27, 20201 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

A number of farmers from across the country, including Wyoming, have reported receiving strange seeds from China that they didn’t order.

The Wyoming Department of Agriculture is warning anyone who receives seeds in the mail from China that they didn’t order to not open the sealed package or plant them and to report what they receive.

“Unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock,” WDA wrote in its Facebook post.

If a Wyoming resident receives unsolicited seeds in the mail, they should keep the seeds and packaging and contact the local USDA-APHIS office at 307-432-7979 or to get instructions on what to do next.

According to a Facebook post from the Washington State Department of Agriculture, the seeds are sent in packages that usually state the contents are jewelry. This is known as agricultural smuggling.

Other states such as Virginia, Kansas and Utah have reported residents receiving similar packages.



Ellen Fike
