Traffic is being rerouted away from a bridge in Yellowstone National Park near Old Faithful, causing detours and delays at the site.
According to the National Park Service, traffic is being routed around the Old Faithful Overpass Bridge due to safety concerns. The NPS is evaluating the condition of the bridge.
Travelers can still access Old Faithful and the Upper Geyser Basin, lodges, stores, the clinic and gas station. It’s recommended that if a visitor isn’t going to Old Faithful to consider alternate routes due to delays throughout the area.
There are also currently four major road construction projects occurring in the park this year. One has caused a complete closure between Tower-Roosevelt and Chittenden Road (and will be closed until May 2022), while three are causing delays at the north entrance, Old Faith and Fishing Bridge to Indian Pond.
The north entrance isn’t currently equipped to meet the challenges of increasing visitation and traffic.
This construction will add an additional lane and kiosk to improve traffic flow and reduce lines; replace the existing two buildings with one larger building/station and two kiosks; improve the flow of employee and delivery traffic from Robert Reamer Avenue; improve pedestrian safety by realigning parking along Robert Reamer Avenue; and replace the water line along Robert Reamer Avenue.
The north entrance project will take two years, while the Fishing Bridge one should be completed this year.