The majority of Wyoming’s coronavirus cases have been diagnosed in people age 60 to 69, according to the state Department of Health.
The department’s statistics on the coronavirus outbreak showed that of the 53 cases confirmed in the state as of Thursday morning, 26 percent were found in people age 60 to 69.
The second-highest rate of infection was found in those age 50 to 59 years at almost 19 percent, followed by those age 40 to 49, at 17 percent, and those age 30 to 39 at 11.3 percent. Those age 70 to 79 made up 9.4 percent of the cases and the lowest prevalence of the cases was among those age 19 to 29 years, 3.8 percent.
No cases have been detected in anyone age 18 or younger.
The cause of most of the cases, 39.6 percent, is unknown. Contact with an infected person has been responsible for 37.7 percent of the cases, while domestic travel was cited as the cause for 18.9 percent of the cases. Only 3.8 percent of the cases were attributed to international travel.
Most of the people with coronavirus are women, 50.9 percent, while men make up 34 percent of the cases.
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